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Shadyman (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Shadyman (DayZ)

  1. Shadyman (DayZ)

    lone wulf friendly player looking for company

    Sup mate, I have the same playstyle, we could play dayzero together
  2. Hello, everyone, im looking for a partner or a small group to play dayz breaking point, vanilla, and possibly some other dayz mods. 16+, mature, and at least basic knowledge in dayz and good english. Looking forward some interesting and tactical teammates. I prefer to use Skype, but we can discuss on using different comm app. Skype - meistars3000 Steam - shadyman15
  3. Hello, everyone, im looking for a partner or a small group to play dayz breaking point, vanilla, and possibly some other dayz mods. 16+, mature, and at least basic knowledge in dayz and good english. Looking forward some interesting and tactical teammates. I prefer to use Skype, but we can discuss on using different comm app. Skype - meistars3000 Steam - shadyman15
  4. Shadyman (DayZ)

    Non-lethal weapons.

    So, today i had this idea, that later in Dayz SA, Rocket could add non leathal weapons, i think it wouldnt be that bad, and it should be something to look in to.
  5. This is something Rocket should definetly look into
  6. Shadyman (DayZ)

    Make Players Unique

    Definetly a bad idea, this would dayz as it is
  7. Shadyman (DayZ)

    Looking for a partner(EU)

    Looking for an experienced and mature person to play with. Has to speak good English. Skype is preffered. My steam name - shadyman15.
  8. 2 players (sometimes 3) looking for more people to play with, preferably mature (16+). Have to speak good English. Experience doesnt matter. Not looking for bandits. :D My skype - meistars3 000.
  9. 2 players (sometimes 3) looking for more people to play with, preferably mature (16+). Have to speak good English. Experience doesnt matter. Not looking for bandits. :D My skype - meistars3000.
  10. Shadyman (DayZ)

    Selling Mountain Dew

    Selling a mountain dew, offer.
  11. Yeah, me and my friend would like to join you. PM me your skype and ill contact you
  12. Shadyman (DayZ)

    -37,730 Humanity

    3 bandit kills. Humanity - 11000. Fuck yea.
  13. Im 16 and looking for people, who know their way around dayz to team up with. Communication preferably via skype. My skype - meistars3000. Steam - shadyman15.
  14. Shadyman (DayZ)

    Looking for partner or a small group. (EU)

    Im on right now, add me on skype.
  15. Hi, im a new player, bet have some experience and good gear. Looking to find a partner (or a group) in Eurupe. (Im from Latvia.) I speak good English, so no worries. My steam - shadyman15.
  16. Shadyman (DayZ)

    Looking for partner or a small group. (EU)

    Fine, give me your skype, and ill contact u.
  17. Add me on skype meistars3000. (Im from Latvia)
  18. Shadyman (DayZ)

    European Group

    Sup, i`d like to play with you, but cant find u on skype. Just friend me on steam - shadyman15 , or skype - meistars3000.