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Everything posted by burmabaines@hotmail.co.uk

  1. burmabaines@hotmail.co.uk

    Official word on simply dropping dead?

    That it's possible to be killed with no audible clue. I was in a room alone with all the glass in the windows intact.
  2. burmabaines@hotmail.co.uk


    Could be a very friendly hacker??
  3. burmabaines@hotmail.co.uk

    Official word on simply dropping dead?

    This is the point I'm making though. Lots of people have an idea why, but no-one knows for sure. I'd like to hear official word.
  4. burmabaines@hotmail.co.uk

    Official word on simply dropping dead?

    It just happened to me for the second time a few minutes ago. In a building, second floor in a corner of a room, looking out facing the only doorway with my pistol drawn coz I heard loud shots very close by. I could hear footsteps and zombie groans. All the glass windows of the room were intact. 11500 blood. Dropped dead. No idea why.
  5. burmabaines@hotmail.co.uk

    Dying with 12k blood?

    The exact same thing happened to me a couple of days ago, just after the new patch. I was in an alleyway picking some things up and the moment I stood up I fell dead. Full blood, no broken bones. I've been sniped before, not sure how far from, but I still heard the "thwok" sound as the bullet entered my head and passed through spraying a bloom of crimson, creating a large exit wound you could put your fist in. Anyway, I've heard hackers can get in and kill people instantly so that's what I'm wondering. I think we just need to verify if there's always an audible sound when you get sniped.
  6. burmabaines@hotmail.co.uk

    Noob question about an icon.

    Hello all. Enjoying the mod, I can't keep off it. Anyway, can anyone tell me the white icon that pops up near (I think it's above) the broken bone icon. It looks a bit like a seatbelt and disappears on it's own accord after a while. It was on my screen when I came down some wooden steps in a barn and when I got to the bottom my leg broke!! Just wondered if it was related?
  7. burmabaines@hotmail.co.uk

    Noob question about an icon.
