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About itscjftw@hotmail.co.uk

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  1. itscjftw@hotmail.co.uk


    This type of abuse is pathetic. Good luck with your appeal. I know members of that server visit this forum too and have lied saying they have never abused any powers, pathetic!
  2. itscjftw@hotmail.co.uk

    I need help, a hacker....

    Rule number one: Don't get attached to your gear. Rough shit happens man, get on with it.
  3. itscjftw@hotmail.co.uk

    Inventory fail...

    No, they are not.
  4. itscjftw@hotmail.co.uk

    The Problem With Blood

    The survivor section of this forum is full of people looking to team up. Saying 'I don't have any friends who play DayZ' is a poor excuse for complaining about blood in the game. So, say for example, you do find someone on the forums to play with and he turns out to be a bad apple, so what? You're at no loss to what situation you'd be in without him, you said yourself you've been dying from zombies or players, this isn't anything out of the usual. You'll find a good player or group of players eventually.
  5. itscjftw@hotmail.co.uk

    Crossbow Viability and Stealth Questions

    The crossbow is a sack of shit. It's sights are awful, there is no quiver available so the bolts take up so much bag space and the reload time is shocking. The only thing it is viable for is if you pick one up in an instance to dispose of one zombie at very close range. Also, retrieving the bolts is very hard.
  6. itscjftw@hotmail.co.uk

    I dont understand Zeroing.... at all

    This. /End thread.
  7. itscjftw@hotmail.co.uk

    *Things I think this game needs

    I lolled hard at damage meters. "Dude, did you see that headshot! 7k DPS! I AM IMBA!"
  8. itscjftw@hotmail.co.uk


    I was under the impression this game wasn't made for Macs and you had to partition your HD and install windows, but who knows? I only use my Macbook for browsing. I use my PC to play DayZ
  9. itscjftw@hotmail.co.uk

    @ Beginners..no gun start is not impossible

    tl;dr. Response to the thread title; no it isn;t. Move on.
  10. itscjftw@hotmail.co.uk

    Cannot Save

  11. itscjftw@hotmail.co.uk

    New players don't want a negative experience of Dayz!

    I'm sorry but this is un-true. Whilst I now play with friends and don't nearly as much play as a lone wolf, I did play as a lone wolf for the first two weeks and whilst I did have a few annoying deaths which riled me, it was very, very enjoyable. The mod is easy to get into once you do get a hang on things. Rocket doesn't need to babysit people who are new to the game. It's the anti-game. Survival is tough, get tough or get gone.
  12. itscjftw@hotmail.co.uk

    I dont know where to go when i spawn.

    Put your back to the coast and run north. Then if you want to survive and immerse yourself in the game, scavenge what you can, un-aided by online maps etc. If you want to get gear, bring up an online map, find a landmark using your orienteering skills and navigate to loot areas.
  13. itscjftw@hotmail.co.uk

    DAY Z - in few month

    You tell me what's more fun; crawling around a town on your belly to get a tin of bins OR hearing a bus coming along a road, setting up an ambush and taking out a squad of four decked out in top end gear because they had no idea what was going on.
  14. itscjftw@hotmail.co.uk

    Well that sucked!

    PVP is the only balanced thing in the game right now, with the exception of people who alt-f4.
  15. itscjftw@hotmail.co.uk

    Worst Game Experience ever

    Oh man I laughed hard at this. 'Me and ma mate wanted 2 no scope all da zombies but we couldn't find each ova and no map or owt so i couldn't do owt. Fuck dis game I am guin back to COD'