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Maxxgold (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Maxxgold (DayZ)

  1. Maxxgold (DayZ)

    every server is dark

    Really. Like I just came in here and only logged into one server and then complained. Maybe you should read through the whole thread before you post.
  2. Maxxgold (DayZ)

    Why did I pay for this shit?

  3. Maxxgold (DayZ)

    every server is dark

    Please fix the day night cycle, this is silly. I shouldn't have to play in the dark all the time. Every server I play on is night time.
  4. Sounds good. As someone who doesn't really trust developers this is good news. It's nice to know your addressing security at this stage of the game. It makes me feel like you guys are doing the right thing. I've been vocal and negative towards the dayz dev team but if you guys keep working like this then I will be more than happy to say I was wrong.
  5. Maxxgold (DayZ)

    Will dayz sa succeed or fail

    It will fail. Dean "Rocket" Hall is a moron.
  6. The WarZ has had the same problems with hackers that DayZ has had from day one. You can't honestly say you can even try to play on a public server without getting hacked. If you do then your just a liar. While the DayZ game is way better than the War Z, it doesn't matter if you can't play without cheaters and hackers because they can ruin the best game. So unless these developers can assure us that we are going to be able to enjoy this game with out being over run with cheaters and hackers from day one then I'm not buying this game and I urge others not to but it either, at least until the game gets reviewed and tested.Just for the record I made this statement towards The WarZ and they all blasted me for stating the obvious and I'm sure the community here will do the same. Most likely they will delete or lock this post because thats what the War Z developers did too. I look back now and laugh at the pathetic War Z team, they got what they deserved. They don't want you to hear the truth, they just want to cash in and then let you deal with all the problems. DayZ on one hand is a sucsess but on the other hand its a failure because it is probably the most hacked game ever. So you tell me why you would buy a game that has the title of most hacked game ever. I'm sure there have been other games that got hacked more but I don't recall any games that are this badly hacked. The developers of this game are just as bad as the War Z developers. They delete negative posts and lie. The same thing is going to happen to them that happened to the War Z team. They are trying to tell us that they are going to make it hard to hack the standalone ??? How is a company that can't protect any of their games all of a sudden going to be able to thwart hackers and cheaters when they have never done it before ??? So you heard it hear first, don't make angry posts after you buy this pile of crap. Don't get upset when the game is over run with hackers and you have wasted your money, just move on and deal with it. The only reason people still play DayZ is because of the private community.
  7. We have noticed on our server that vehicles are repairing themselves to full health after repairing one part. We have also noticed that vehicles repair themselves after being damaged. Is anyone else seeing this.
  8. Are you tired of joining a server only to be teleported and killed ??? Tired of Map hackers and the long list of other cheats ??? Then come join our Private Whitelisted Community. Sign up on http://www.zombieapocalypsegaming.com/ We just added Spectate Mode to the Server. We can now view Hackers and Cheaters and Ban them. Even if they have hackproof tools. Cheaters and Hackers are now put on notice that there fun in the sun is over. I can't wait to start banning these people. : ) The easiest way to play on our server is to sign up at http://www.zombieapocalypsegaming.com/ with the user name of your character in DayZ. Then try to log on to our DayZ server. You will get kicked off but it will save your GUID and then I will add it to the White List and you will be able to play. If you don't want to do that then Type "#beclient GUID" into the chat box when playing and get your GUID that way and send it to me in a private message and I will add you to the White List. Once you are signed up go to the DayZ forums on our Website and make a post in the Whitelisting Thread. Once you are finished with that you will be able to play DayZ the way it was meant to be played. Our Teamspeak 3 address is zombieapocalypse.dyndns.org you can find the password on our website http://www.zombieapocalypsegaming.com/ just look in the DayZ Forums. We have Admins on the server and we do not give ourselves anything. We play fair just like everyone else on the server. Unlike almost every other private server. I have admin-ed plenty servers over the years and I have yet to meet one Admin besides myself who didn't give themselves items when it was possible. We have 3 Admins but I am the only one in charge of the database so no one gets free anything. If you have a team of 4 or more players we will make you a base with working items. We can edit the mission files to add structures and buildings at your location. You need to register your players on our website before we will build you a base. Once we build your base it is your responsibility to keep it. We currently have room for 1 more base. Live Events. There will be live events on our server check our website for details. Live events work like this. You hear a distress signal on the side channel. It's up to you to listen in on the side channel for information on whats going on. Let's say you hear a distress call on the side channel. The survivors tell you that they are stranded in an area and they give you clues to where they are. It's up to you to find the survivors and it's up to you what happens. If you help them out you will gain a reward. If you decide to not help them out then that's up to you as well. Visit our website for details.
  9. oday is a good day to play on a cheat and hack free server. :thumbsup:
  10. Today is a good day to play on a cheat and hack free server. :thumbsup:
  11. Community is up to 70 people now but we can still use more. A lot of good people on the server and we haven't had one hack or cheat attack in about a month now
  12. Were still growing our community. If you want to play on a white listed hack and cheat free server then come join us.
  13. Maxxgold (DayZ)

    Build 1.7.3 Rolling Update

    Thanks for your input. This guy just want's to harass me. He just sent me a message laughing at me for not having a bigger community. He is just a sad person who only feels good when making others feel bad. We do have a nice sized community where people can play DayZ the way it was meant to be played. We haven't had a hack attack since we went private and I got the Spectate Tool. Which everyone on the server knows I use. I'm glad you found a home with the same features we have. If that home doesn't work out look us up. Were always on TeamSpeak and we have a good core of gamers who play almost every game out there. We play a lot of LOL.
  14. Maxxgold (DayZ)

    Admin cheating on US 1108 (Zombie Apocalypse Gaming)

    Thank you guys for the support. I didn't even know that Dwarden was one of the Battleye admins. I knew that he was responsible for the original code for the spectate tool and that Pwnzor0r finished the code so those of us with Bliss servers could use it. Crosire went one step further and implemented into his Control Center. I also knew that Battle Eye approved it. This guy has some kind of mental issue. He is now following me from thread to thread calling me a cheater for keeping my server free of cheaters, go figure. Can a moderator please deal with this disturbed individual?
  15. http://opendayz.net/...ad-all-maps.49/ I'm using this now on my server and it works great. We haven't seen hackers in a while. I used to dread hackers, now I can't wait for them to log on so I can ban them. It feels good banning cheaters and hackers. They get what they deserve because of the awesome dayz community. As you can see here we now have a fully working Spectate Mode which will allow Server Admins to BAN any cheater and hacker. I know as server admins we have all heard about the bypasser. Well guess what ? Cheaters and Hackers can use a bypass all they want to. With this tools you can verify that they are cheating and hacking. There is no BYPASS for this tool. So now we have full admin tools to monitor and make our servers playable. Which brings me to.... If you have read or watched the latest video's or blogs you will know that they are taking their same stance that Admins don't have any role in DayZ. They don't want you to Admin your Server. They think that because they are making the Standalone hard to mod that it will somehow be hard to hack. They didn't say it was hack proof but they said hard to hack. The only reason games like Counter_Strike are still going strong with large communities is because there are enough Admin Tools for people to be able to Admin their servers. DayZ standalone will be hacked the first week it's released and if the Devs don't release good Admin Tools to the Community the DayZ Standalone will be gone before you know it. I'm not sure how a developer can take an anti-admin stance when the game they have released so far is a hackers dream. DayZ Mod is probably the easiest game to hack of all time. If not you get my point. It's been a nightmare for Bohemia Interactive. UPDATE: Apparently Rocket has made some concessions and is now talking about making sure admins will have tools to police their servers, which is good news
  16. Maxxgold (DayZ)

    Build 1.7.3 Rolling Update

    No he hasn't played there. I'm one of the best admins out there. Ive invited him to play on my server which he has never done yet he comes into every thread I'm in to harass me. He made a whole thread in the cheating thread saying how I cheat because I use the spectate tool to help admin my server from cheaters. My users came on to support me but he could care less. Ive reported him to the moderators so hopefully they will take care of it.
  17. Maxxgold (DayZ)

    Build 1.7.3 Rolling Update

    We are always happy to add a player that doesn't hack or cheat to our community. Log on to our server and I will add you to the White List.
  18. Maxxgold (DayZ)

    Build 1.7.3 Rolling Update

    If your still playing on public servers then this will be a problem for you. I run a private white listed server and you can play without worrying about this happening to you. If your still playing on a public server then you get what you deserve. Even the professional gamers like Sacriel have ditched public dayz for private DayZ.
  19. Maxxgold (DayZ)

    Build 1.7.3 Rolling Update

    Really man you just can't let it go. They are trying to stop duping which is a much bigger problem than eating in a vehicle.