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About Seldrad88

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  1. Seldrad88

    Had a good run tonight! How was yours?

    Sounds fun! I never even seen a vehicle... Other than half a dozen ATV that seemed to be real close to each other and were laying on their side... Probably hackers. I would have probably ran away from a truck if I saw one too :)
  2. Hey everyone, pretty good run tonight. I was a little mad a couple of days ago, because my character got killed in Krasnostav airstrip, had nice gear, nothing too fancy, but got killed by someone laying down inside a tower. Bad luck, I guess. Restarted today and spawned in Komarovo. It was a little ways to Cherno, but decided to start making my way to it. Found a stranded survivor, guessing he was a newbie, flashlight on in the middle of the plains, running like crazy and stopping every once in a while. Tried direct communication, no response. He decided to follow me and kept pointing the flashlight at me. We hit a couple of warehouses full of nothing, then we headed to Balota deerstands. I tried to signal him to turn off his flashlight, but I guess he didn't get the message. Started crouching behind me, with his light on, while I was trying to get over the fence. Zombies start hitting me, and I get out fast. Tried to go the other way around, no luck he kept pointing the damn thing at me. Finally got into two of the stands, no real luck, just some ammo. Heard flies buzzing nearby and decided it was time to ditch him, just in case someone was around and saw his light. Kinda dick move, but gotta survive. Kinda bummed out didn't even get a hatchet before I got to Cherno, in case I needed to perform some self-defense, but headed straigh to the market. Nothing in the front, other than empty cans and some ammo. Headed into the back and got an ALICE pack! Sweet not bad! Headed into the church and house nearby and got a Makarov with some mags, not too shabby. Decided to head to the residential part and hit some houses. Suddenly see a tag for someone in the distance, CRAP! Thought he saw me too. Heard some shots fired and thought THEY GOT ME! But not really... Decided to lay down low for a while, and finally started hearing flies... Decided to take a peek and saw two dead guys... Slowly approached them and started going through their loot... BAM hit the motherlode! Matches, Binoculars, Map, Hatchet, Water Bottle, Hunting Knife, Revolver and Lee Enfield, Morphine, Bloodbags, looted quickly and made my way to the forests. Ah so nice to be back on track, decided to get myself a good meal, killed a couple of hogs and made some nice dinner! Yum yum!... So, how was your night? Where are you headed next?
  3. Seldrad88

    IF this was an actual game...

    I'd go with one-time game purchase, no subscription. Professional studio. Kickstarter? Sure, why not.
  4. Seldrad88

    I finally committed a murder..

    Only killed one guy so far. Been playing for about a week or so. I was in Cherno's Supermarket looting the front, and saw this person crawling with a Lee Enfield, coming from the back of store, and scared the shit out of me, shot him in the back twice. Must've sucked for him, but didn't really expect him. I also thought what would he have done if he saw me there just standing pointing my gun at him. Second guy , didn't really get to kill him, but I was running through the woods near Cherno and I guess we both got scared he had a Lee Enfield and I had a Makarov. He shot several times, while I hid behind a tree. I fired three shots back and then he disconnected. Funny as hell, he probably would've killed me anyways.
  5. Seldrad88


    Only found two so far, both in Supermarkets.
  6. Seldrad88

    What gun did you find the first time?

    Winchester for me. On a little shack close to a church. Haven't found one since then. :( That was a sweet weapon.
  7. Spawned close to Cherno. Found 2 boxes in the grocery store.
  8. Seldrad88

    Free supplies! Server: US 450

    Don't even have a sniper... Rocking a side pistol and a hatchet and not even close to that location, just thought I would help.
  9. Been having a good run tonight in US 450! Just sharing some of it! Left a tent with Makarov and Revolver with some rounds and a couple of Sodas, Banadages, Morphin and Blood Packs. First come, first serve. North-West of North-West Hospital in Cherno, in a hill close to some trees. http://dayzdb.com/map#5.063.126 Close to three entrable apartment buildings, might want to check them, those are usually packed with goodies as well. Enjoy and be careful with those pesky bandits! -Nanaki88
  10. Something similar happened to me. Was in Elektro hospital took some supplies there and had to log out for a little bit. Came back in, game was loading, heard flies and all of sudden debug plains, no gear at all. Lost Lee Enfield rifle and M911a pistol, Alice Pack and a bunch of supplies. Tried logging in different servers it would either stay in debug plains or stayed at "loading" or "Waiting to create character". Finally just respawned and created new character.
  11. Seldrad88

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I would like to request some help if possible. Low on blood and got my own blood bag, just need a transfusion. Currently laying low in Vysota, just northwest of Cherno, in a forest there. Got around 1500k blood. Help will be very much appreciated. Steam: Nanaki88
  12. Hello! I am looking for a friendly survivor to patch me up. I got a blood bag but need someone that can actually transfuse the blood. Don't have much on me but a hatchet and some food/sodas. I am in Vysota, just northwest of Cherno. Will gladly trade some of my stuff for a little help. Thanks in advance. -Newbie survivor P.S: Forgot Steam: Nanaki88 Will be on for the next 20 minutes or so.