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Everything posted by kirai

  1. I really tried to seach for this and I'm quite sure someone allready brought this up but anyways if not I just want to suggest this. It would be nice if you could build your own house or fort with things you find. Harvest wood, find nails or other things. I think this is not possible with the arma 2 engine but maybe in the standalone game.
  2. kirai

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    Awesome! The War Z doesn't impress me at all so far so it will be DayZ for sure :)
  3. Oh please let me breathe! I'm laughing my ass of and I mean it! XD
  4. I never used em. I think you should be able to get into the tent and if someone tries to loot it (if your on) you can surprice him to protect what is yours (don't think this is possible right now). Ofcourse you should also be able to shoot through the tent but if you do (as the looter) you should destroy what ever is in the tent and endup having nothing to loot. This would make it harder for people to loot.
  5. kirai


    Ok just minutes ago someone shot at me. I was in hero clothing cause I dont kill survivors. I ran away cause it was during the night. He got me two times, my legs broke, I swiftly turned around put my M16 on full and sprayd bullits around me, used morphin then changed mags, he was still shooting at me but didnt hit, a changed mag 4 times and sprayed behind me, ran, sprayed then my bood got down to 3000, a bandage myself and continued to run. I watched my humanity and it was down to 150. I didnt kill him! Wtf! Is it not allowed to defend oneself? Should I have just made him kill me? This is so fucking wrong!
  6. kirai


    Tackar. Är lite av en ensamvarg, har lite för stark vilja men ska tänka på saken. Skicka mig ett pm med ts kanalen om du vill :)
  7. kirai


    Ah ok, I can see now I still wear my hero suit, I always play in fp. Thanks for the answer. As you can see Im not the alt+4 one ;)
  8. kirai


    I have two questions; 1. How many pilots are there at a helicrash? 2. Can you see if the pilot wear NV googles?
  9. kirai


    Oh some players will always bitch but I don't wan't a bad concience for killing people for fun or just to get better gear. I'm an adventurer not a killer unless I really need to. Bandits on the otherhand.....mmmm I can feel the rush I get from placing a bullet between their eyes. Btw I have hero skin now but it looks awefull
  10. kirai


    I agree with you. A close encouter weapon might be better but as Im mostly play at night and someone shoot I have a hard time to find that bastard before Im dead so in that case I run away, hide and if the other person pursues my L85 is really good with the 800 meters and thermo. To use this weapon with Zeds is only good to see how many Zeds there are from a distance, up close its useless cause of the Zoom. Today I actually spoted a survivor on the field next to the airfield. He was far away but I saw him in my thermal sight but I didnt take him down. If he wants to loot the airfield I can only wish him good luck :).
  11. kirai


    I will try to do that. The thing is I play at night most of the time and sneak through the Zeds so its hard to see if Im not close but I have seen pilots anyways but they sure didnt drop NV googles but I also know the chance of them droping NV is verry low. Right now I have the weapons I want, the assult rifle with NV and Thermal and the MP5SD so no need for more weapons. I always find that bison and FN FALL and I think they suck if your not after killing survivors and I'm not. I even found the NV Thermal one at the last helicrash but the only thing I need is NV googles right now ^^
  12. kirai


    Thanks, that was the answer I was looking for :)
  13. kirai


    Well the part "its irrelevante" is not an answer cause yes I know they are Zeds but I asked how many pilots there are cause what I can see is that there are normal military Zeds too. So a simple answer would be; No you can't see em on. Btw. If a heli crashes and the pilots get attacked by Zeds I don't think the pilots would remove em as they can see better with em on and when they turn to Zeds I dont think It would be like this; uuuuu braiiiiinn O_O...dammet I have NV googgles on...I must remove em <_<
  14. kirai


    Ok when you don't try to get the facts first I can't understand why you even answer cause they do drop NV googles and I didn't ask if they do either -sighs-
  15. Thanks, I have radeon and catalyst so I will try this :)
  16. When I get these artifact glitches (and I do everytime near military bases, I only relog but be sure to quit out to windows and enter again otherwise it doesnt work. Flush does not work for me either. @OP yes they must have increases, met 4 during one week, about 50% of my playing time
  17. I really don't know but I don't want to kill you anyways. I don't care what gear you have but the only people I kill on sight are bandits but then, in this game I can't trust anyone so I think I would hold you at gun point and use voice com to tell you to turn your back on me, lay down. Remove your weapons then follow me for a while untill I release you and we go about our bussines. I might also just run away and if you start to shoot and follow me I would try to run into the woods, lay down under a tree and shoot you if you follow me. This is if I have good gear otherwise I wouldnt care if you shoot me but right now I have a good gear and I don't want to loose it.
  18. kirai

    Alpha testing is over for mod

    Yeah your right, sorry for the OT
  19. kirai

    Alpha testing is over for mod

    EDITED: To much off topic
  20. I found the FN Fall and Bison, hate em. If your not after killing surviors it totally sucks cause of the high sound and to find new mags is so fucking hard. No thanks. I rather have a remington with flashlight. Makes good damage even though it only can fire 250 m. I play at night so I dont have a chance to see the one shooting at me if I dont have NV so I just run away and I dont kill survivors unless I have to. If they are looting I leave em alone and continue to another spot.
  21. I understand your frustration, happened to me too 4 times during the last week and at one time I had a full awesome gear but then, I can't complain, its an alpha, there are stupid ass hackers out there only after to cause problems for players. Can't understand the fun of it though, they are totally retards. Even though I get back on my horse and continue. Seems this problem gets more common for every day though.
  22. I still like it, not love it. I just try to survive for as long as I can and find a nv or heli. I had a full gear but a bug put me on the beach with nothing, not even bandage and yeah I got pissed at first but didnt complain cause its an alpha. Next day I started again. I have been spawned by the beach 4 times, got killed by 4 hackers in one week so thats frustrating, still don't give up. Sniping people is not my thing so its out of the question. Surviving surviving surviving. I usually get bored quite fast with games but this one has helped me to think of other stuff that consumes my irl life right now. As long as I can't find another game I like better I think I will play on.
  23. kirai

    Would you Abort if in Danger of death?

    Yeah, you are the judge for all of us. I think I know what I'm doing anyways and so do lots of players who DONT dc just cause they don't want to die. I never dc during a fight even though I sometimes run away to save my ass and try to take him out after hiding if he still pursues. I think most soldiers would take cover if they get shot upon otherwise they are stupid.
  24. kirai

    Would you Abort if in Danger of death?

    Ok, so if everyone else is an asshole makes you the right to be one too? I hope not to many people think like this irl, well actually they do. For real in that case blow this earth to pieces cause most of the human rase is a totall fucked up bunch of animals. Yes Im human btw.
  25. Yes but only untill I find something better. Some of the bugs are to much for me.