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Everything posted by kirai

  1. kirai

    Feeling A little Awful.

    Well in that case I can teach you one thing. A couple of days ago I saw a Russian survivor in Balota airfield. He didn't kill me with his crowbar even though I was standing 1 meter in front of him (after climbing the ladder to the tower) He climbed down and aggrod a bunch of Zeds so what I did was running into the bunch of Zeds and made them aggro me instead and yelled; RUN FOR FUCK SAKE I TAKE CARE OF THIS. I had no ammo so what I did was letting the Zeds eat on me until I was dead and save the poor guy (never seen him before). Of course I also need to shoot players but I rather not if I don't have to. So that's how I sleep well at night ;).
  2. kirai


    I know that sucks but as people say it's part of the game. I must say I can also give creds to some who kills cause they are really good at it. Me and 6 of my friends, all with good gear, was hiding in the woods and within like 5 sec a guy with a sniper killed us all, I wish I was that good :P
  3. kirai

    I want to see the map get bigger.

    I like the idea of bigger map too. I mean sure it will take a while to get to the other side of the map but why should that be a problem? Maybe they could do so it's easier to find parts for vehicles and more spawn points with vehicles. Right now you can drive across the map very fast.
  4. kirai

    For God's sake, SAY SOMETHING!

    I've tried to write in global chat on several servers without getting an answer and we talk servers with 40+ players so yeah, I find this strange too. I'm like you. I try to be friendly but I think I will give up and many with me cause it's not fun to get killed everytime, better to be safe and put a bullet in his/hers head. This is a part of the game though, people don't trust eachother. My rage is only a reflection of the world I'm living in ;)
  5. I've thought about this myself and the way you think. I think this idea is really nice and would add some nice features to the game. +1
  6. kirai

    Trade and loot

    I've searched the forum and internet but can't find an answer. I know you can't trade with another player (I sure hope they will do something about this) but can you loot the other players backpacks? I mean right now most stuff just get lost in the ground even on a flat surface so to be able to trade like that is risky but if you point at a player and he stands still is there anyway to grab items from his backpack?
  7. kirai

    Trade and loot

    Yeah true ^^
  8. kirai

    Trade and loot

    I see, would be nice if you could but well this is better then nothing :)
  9. kirai

    Trade and loot

    Awesome! Seems like not many knows about this. It's also good if you meet another player you don't trust and remove his gun untill you trust him, just as it would be irl mostly. Thanks for the quick response both of you :)
  10. kirai

    Military Convoy

    Hmm to have more AIs in game doesn't add up to the realism at all so this is a big NO from my side. Maybe have more wrecked military vehicles on a military base so you and your mates can put together a car, heli, truck or whatever and then go on a trip with one of them to find new parts and so on and do your own convoy that makes it still realistic. This shouldnt be like Arma, just play Arma in that case
  11. kirai

    ghost killing and spawn system

    It seems like you talk against yourself and from me its a NO. This would just take away more realism. The thing to have to find your mates if you are killed is a part of the game if you spawn where you left its like your the same character again. I don't like it at all.
  12. kirai

    Alternative food sources

    I've had the same idea and it would be awesome and add more realism. It would also be cool if some of the plant was poisenous so you need to know what plants you can eat or not eat. +1
  13. kirai


    The fishing part sounds awesome but I don't know if its able to implement into the game but it sure would add more realism.
  14. kirai

    Poll: should DayZ have classes?

    The charm with this game is that everyone start out fresh and this add realism. I mean, I play me in the game, Im not a nurse nor a mechanic so in that case I would play something I'm not and we take away the realism. Oh btw If people play the game they learn to sneak, they learn to shoot better, they learn strategy better etc + if someone want to be a medic, let em carry medical supplies in a group and one can take care of car parts etc. If a player is alone, what should he choose then? He have no choice then to be a....gunner? We have loads of games like this, let this one be a bit different please.
  15. kirai

    Zombie Awareness

    Good one, would add a bit more strategy to the game. +1
  16. Hmmm not every person suffer from these conditions and if they do it mostly comes after they get back home from the front for example. Some players also suffer minor things like this I think, I do anyways cause I feel bad if I shoot someone without knowing if he is friendlly or not and sometimes you just can't take the risk so lets stick to reallity and not force people to be affected.
  17. kirai

    animals and Zeds

    It would be nice if Zeds started to eat on an animal if they get to close to it. As an example; I run trying to get rid of a bunch of Zeds, run past a cow and they smell it, jumps it and starts to eat. In my opinion this would add some reality to the game I mean if a player comes to near a Zed who run after another player they start hunting him instead. There are not that many animals so I don't think it would make the game much more easier.
  18. kirai

    animals and Zeds

    Ok in Dead Walking they do. I thought Zombies were after meat and blood but well seems it depends on the movie/show. Some zombies just want braiiiins
  19. If anyone have seen the tv show "Walking Dead" it's damn close to Dayz. It almost seems like the team who made this game have been using ideas from this show. The show is awesome btw
  20. kirai

    The tv show Walking Dead

    Thats cool, totally understand that this adds to the show :)
  21. kirai

    The tv show Walking Dead

    Ok, many shows get bad after the first season unfortunently. As I said, have just watched the second episode so I might think the same
  22. kirai

    The tv show Walking Dead

    If there is a game called "the walking dead, I don't know about it.....seriously <_<
  23. kirai

    The tv show Walking Dead

    First of all, this is what I feel about the game and the show but taste is different thank god :P Why I think its like the show is cause the Zeds in the show react to sounds and drag several with em, the are drawn to light, you can toss something to make em investigate and so forth but maybe most of the zombie movies is like this but the ones I've seen have not. I edited my earlier post, I don't read cause I have a hard time to focus so thats why.
  24. kirai

    The tv show Walking Dead

    Well I'm just on the second chapter of season one :P. I'm not a fan of zombie movies and the ones I've seen is like they had not economy to make a good one. I think this show anyways more compare to the game then the ones I've seen earlier. About the books. Almost every movie based on a book is worse then the book but I have a hard time reading books cause I cant focus on to much text