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Everything posted by Shotgunned

  1. I know a lot of people enjoy the immersion without it, but at least give servers the option to have it on for now without them getting in trouble for it. at least until an alternative that rocket is planning ACTUALLY comes out, not speculated to. I feel that this game got so boring without it because there's noone to play with when my friends aren't on because I'm forced to kill everyone who gets close to me due to the direct communication being pointless during standoffish situations. This game got extremely boring once the side chat was disabled on the servers I frequented. If anyone knows of any servers with SC still enabled please tell me!! =(
  2. side chat and global chat are basically the same thing adversity. it was a means for people all across the map to communicate with eachother, not jsut within the 40m range of direct comm
  3. everytime i was on the sservers i frequented with side chat, there was barely any chat like you described delta, it was people actually talking and helping eachother out. theres no multiplayer aspect. its ridiculously hard to teamup with others due to the fact noone uses direct comm. side chat encouraged teamwork on the servers i played on. we were actually able to have like 10 ppl grouped up and playing alongside eachother
  4. yea really dont want to have to go to non-hive servers though, i like the fact i can switch servers with my char if somethings goin on with the server ie:lag, hackers, full server and friends cant get on, etc. and agreed, this is worse than cod at this point. hopefully the healthy competition between war z and day z will benefit us and give us two awesome games. at this point, this games gotten so boring I cannot wait for war z. even if its quality isn't as good as dayz, it'll have chat at least and I wont feel like im playing a single player shootemup zombie apoc game
  5. Shotgunned

    Re-implement side chat?

    hey all! im curious, i cant find a side chat enabled server other than CA1 and it wont let me log in to that specific server for some reason. do any of you have a list of servers with side chat on so i can actually enjoy this game again. i miss sc =*(
  6. finally found a vehicle me and my friends can use after weeks of playing, and we get it last night, i spend about an hour and a half repairing it and we ride around last night and then logout after hiding it (ON the map, were not scumbag hoarders) and saving it so we can use it today and the server disappeared :huh: think it was hosted by cakekyst_85 . cake!! whered the server go?!?! :(