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Everything posted by Sattkopf

  1. Sattkopf

    Gun safety mode

    The problem must be between the screen and the chair.
  2. Sattkopf

    Trading Post

    Traded with Red_Ensign, all went well.
  3. Sattkopf

    Suicide - add safety measure

    Yes, you do have to press Mouse 1 to pull the trigger. The animation doesn't kill you, it still requires that input from your side. Should you want to pose for a picture next time, Just empty the chamber and load an empty mag into your weapon.
  4. Sattkopf

    Trading Post

    3pp: Have: FNX with MRDS and Suppressor , USMC Desert, AKM with all attachments + Drum, Camo Mosin with PU + Compensator, Suppressors, M65, PSO-1 Scope (damaged, vision is fine) Want: VSS + Mags , SVD Mags , Camo Bandanas, Grenades, Metal Wire
  5. Animals and Infected here. For my taste there are too little infected in the cities. When I was in Elektro the last time there weren't even a dozen of them there, and looting a big city should be very dangerous in a post-apocalyptic setting. Furthermore the infected add to the liveliness of the map. Animals, because they're tasty and they also add to the liveliness. I've tried playing a "nature" Character before and had to give up due to the lack of game.
  6. Sattkopf

    Ethical Hunting

    That isn't quite right, of course some kill for fun but don't forget that there are also people out there that use the Leather for crafting their clothes and water pouches. Having a "safe" way of getting food that doesn't require you to hoard it in your backpack or go to cities would be great.
  7. Sattkopf

    Trading Post

    Just traded with Kathara, friendly guy definitely recommended for trading.
  8. Sattkopf

    Ethical Hunting

    Could you please tell me where to reliably find any game? I've been running around North for quite a while and I've only seen a chicken there so far.
  9. Sattkopf

    Trading Post

    Wildcard here, Forum was kinda bugged, couldn't log in. I only have a single UMP mag (+ 40 Spare rounds) , but 4 SVD Mags, besides that the trade sounds good to me.
  10. Sattkopf

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Merino patched me up with Morphine and a blood bag, very friendly and nice medic, I can strongly recommend him. I am still in need for antibiotics. Any medic out there who can help me?
  11. Sattkopf

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Hello There! Im in need of antibiotics. Any medic that could help me out? Location will be given via PM.