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The Janitor

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Posts posted by The Janitor

  1. Should be the case with jerry cans as well, but with no electricity you shouldn't be able to get gas directly from the pump. To be realistic, I guess you would need a hose, and some kind of hand or battery powered pump and get it from the tank in the ground and not the actual pump interface.


    Good point. Still a bit annoyong how you can get gas from the pumps to the can, but not directly from the pump to the truck.


    Hopefully they come up with a more realistic system like you said.

  2. Maybe some of these are already planned to be fixed, but here's some suggestions:


    -The .357 has two completely different shoot sounds, one good and one bad. Remove the bad one. (same goes for the Winchester)


    -Why is a gas can needed to fuel up a vehicle? Why can't you just do it directly from the pump? At the very least you should be able to put the can in your truck because you can't take it with you.


    -The degradation system is exaggerated, one bullet to the leg shouldn't ruin everything in the pants. If you get shot once it should only ruin a few items where the bullet hit.

    (I might be wrong on this one but that's how it works right now I think?)


    -The gun sway after running is exaggerated, it goes all over the screen. The sway isn't that aggressive in real life, even after running. Unless you have some illness or something :P


    -If you keep ammo in your pockets, you should be able to reload with the R key instead of having to go in to your inventory. Just make the reloading process a lot slower compared to if you had a clip/magazine. Kind of how like "eat all" takes longer than just "eat"

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