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Foxtrott (DayZ)

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About Foxtrott (DayZ)

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Foxtrott (DayZ)

    Unable to properly die...

    ummm what, so death is no longer permanent if u got a morphine that what im hearing? /uninstall
  2. Foxtrott (DayZ)

    Fucknobs need not apply

    pm'd ..
  3. Foxtrott (DayZ)

    26/US/ High playtime afternoon-early morning LF PPL

    not sure policy on bumps but ... bump.. still lookin
  4. Yup another LFG thread. title says it all really. Have been playing for quite some time now and solo play just seems like a joke to me at this point, this is obviously a team game. Looking for anyone who wants to play I had some kick ass gear but was stomped by a server hopper last night, bye bye bison sd nvg dmr. Have play tactical team based FPS in the past hit me up. Or if anyone wants to join me and doesnt have a clan just shoot me a PM or on steam Ivintheterrible1
  5. Foxtrott (DayZ)

    Creating Bandit Group

    pm'd .....
  6. Foxtrott (DayZ)

    LF group or individuals to play with

    Still no real replies? man cmon ppl lets do this thing. And as for the link above it requires you to register to even see the web page. so no thanks
  7. Sup everyone , Been playing the game for several weeks now and am looking for some group play. I have a high playtime and am located in the US. Hours typically afternoon P.D.T. - whenever 5 am perhaps who knows. Looking for a exp. grp of players/ or just anyone who wants to meet up and that like bandit style play. I do not wish to play with ANYONE who uses hacks/exploits D/C cheating death loot whore what have you. Now i have been playing this game solo and thus play in that manner up to this point. No blood bags/ extreme caution . I do not have any camps setup i just roam and pillage. Current gear/life if u care DMR/Alice/ a lot of everything. Current kills on life 19 1 day of play. Shoot me a message if ya wanna grp up :) happy hunting
  8. Foxtrott (DayZ)

    Serious player LF Bandit crew

    Crossed my mind but... Looking through the forums/ descriptions this was pretty much the only place it looked like u would post this.. soo yeah will re-post there if needed.
  9. Sup everyone first post here. Been playing the game for several weeks now and am looking for some group play. I have a high playtime and am located in the US. Hours typically afternoon P.D.T. - whenever 5 am perhaps who knows. Looking for a exp. grp of players that like bandit style play. I do not wish to play with ANYONE who uses hacks/exploits D/C cheating death loot whore what have you. Now i have been playing this game solo and thus play in that manner up to this point. No blood bags/ extreme caution . I do not have any camps setup i just roam and pillage. Current gear/life if u care DMR/Alice/ a lot of everything. Current kills on life 19 1 day of play. Shoot me a message if ya think its a fit