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Everything posted by bn3

  1. bn3


    or you could just find a weapon a inventory full of ammo and shoot at nothing and reload for no reason infinatly until you are maxed in the skill nice thinking but too exploitable
  2. Didn't have time to listen to your questions before I shot you in the face ..... Sorry
  3. QUOTING MYSELF FOR THE WIN anyway tested this by acsident today when one of our squad went down to friendly fire. we began to loot his stuff and the body just vanished we know he was dead as in coms with him i also recived the msg "cant bandage player is dead" seems like less then 30 sec also . either way this bug is anoying the hell out of me if i shoot someone it beacause i want their gear tbh
  4. anyone killing people only to have the bodies vanish within less then 30sec while looting? had this mor then 6 times in this patch not sure if people are alt+F4 on first shot or its a bug?
  5. You asked for help and then just gave ppl reasons why you didn't want to take their advise , all the above suggestions are valid weather your pc is 1 week old or 5 years . Weather it runs some games fine and not others.
  6. bn3

    Chernarus+ easter egg: Cerne Abbas Giant

    he said its from dayzdb they have the full satalite img of the map
  7. bn3


    I'm happy
  8. bn3

    So I found a van

    What server mate we loaned a van like that out last night and it never came back :(
  9. bn3

    Big Foot In Day Z (Video)

    Incorrect and overuse of the word seen Makes me want to poke out my eyes with a pointy stick
  10. bn3

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    Awwwwww , I feel like I just spoke to my sis on the phone and heard my little nephew took his first steps or something ! Good work guys happy to be part of this
  11. rocking mp5sd and a normal m1911 , just need a good sniper to keep in my bag and i will never see the need to change this set up
  12. Or he had hacked chat , we had the server we normally play on last night restarted by admin and then a chopper was magically flying around the server to all player locations and killing them with it's chain guns , one of our team managed to kill the gunner and after he spawned we all got a msg on screen saying a scar-l had been added lol blatant admin hacking , unless there is a way to force the server to restart
  13. bn3

    Is it good?

    gtx550 ti is a terrible card (its what i have ) it will run dayz fine at max and alot of other games 2 but its still a crap card since the 460 can out preform it , but it depends what you want to pay 460 should be the same price so get that rather then the 550 or spend more and get the 560
  14. 34 yo here , shift worker , so play time is all over the place but would appreciate a bigger friend base to hook up with in game , will not be on till Monday now so you can add me on steam or I'll do look you up on Monday , Steam = gsbn3000 I have a 10 slot vent server if needed
  15. bn3

    Worst day in History to Start?

    why would you run that far elektro is situated at the base of some quite steep hills . some of the posts to threads like this are not v helpfull but its only because since the game has become more popular the forums are filling with posts from people just having a moan about stuff rather then reading older threads that would help them or asking questions to get the answers that would help them
  16. I only ever had one once and was to noob to know what to do with it , never seen it again
  17. bn3

    Buildings blown up?

    Was on a random server like this the other day spawned in the city and 80% of buildings had been razzed , virtually no zombies and as I was running through to see of I could find any loot my survivor just fell over with a broken leg and died , awesome fun I just moved servers but forgot to make a note of it .
  18. bn3


    while in game press esc . and go to controls , you can map your own buttons from there . most other stuff is done with mouse clicks or scroll wheel while in gear menu (g)
  19. been playing for a few weeks now and noticed that some times when i have a watch and a map it will display my current location on the map and some times it will not ?? seams to be server specific , whats the deal with that?
  20. bn3

    Side channel and Bandit skin

    also worth mentioning although i am sure you are aware that you only bought arma 2 and its expansion in which both things you talk about are implomented and working , this is an alpha its free and it will be changed , broken and fixed alot more in the feuture , i would recomend getting used to that way of thinking , just to save your sanity . in game chat works , to ppl in close range other then that use vent,mumble,ts,skype or other seperate softwear
  21. bn3

    How to survive solo!

    how you gonna light your fire to cook your meat?
  22. bn3

    maps on dif servers

    2 different answers , thanks but i will have to w8 for more to clarify . i will say i have not seen it mentiond in any info that it can be changed as part of the difficulty settings though