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About callumohara98

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    On the Coast
  1. I'm looking for people over the age of 14, preferably around the same time-zone as the UK and speaks English well, i've ran 3 groups so far from 3-20 players and we did really well in the past, we've all gone our separate ways and now I'm back looking, I'm a friendly guy aged 17, message me on steam: britishcommander1 /or on Skype: callumohara98 and just mention that your looking for the group.
  2. Hey were a group of friendly people (just not on DayZ) we have a camp cars and plenty of spare weapons for people if you recently died the only 2 rules we have are 1. no racism 2. kill all armed players if your shot is confirmed. any questions ask on the forums. to apply go to this link www.youtube.com/watch?v=gsnTRG9Lgaw
  3. me and my friends were thinking about having army camps with AI troops or random people who walk up to u and ask for help then gives u ammo or food and drink something valuable but something that isn't rare the people are just not the loot they give u.
  4. i get waiting for character to create no matter what server i use sixlauncher
  5. hi me and two friends not long started a clan were looking for looters, snipers, gunners, drivers, carriers (carry guns, ammo and parts) and general survivors to hang around towns and help out snipers or looters. link here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gsnTRG9Lgaw
  6. is there any way because i get to buildings and there is wire in my way it always gets me killed please reply.
  7. just toss a flare the light they give off is pretty far ranged.