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Everything posted by oifriendlyfire

  1. oifriendlyfire

    Once More, Into the Fray...

  2. oifriendlyfire

    Once More, Into the Fray...

    Excellent Meme! That one even had my wife caring...for a moment. I loved the ending. I was mad, but I loved it!
  3. oifriendlyfire

    Once More, Into the Fray...

    So good! That poem inspired me! Does that dude ever make a bad movie?
  4. oifriendlyfire

    Once More, Into the Fray...

    Come check us out at IL002 or offgaming.us or sub our channel, its all DayZ baby! www.youtube.com/oifriendlyfire
  5. Yes. You wanted it, you got it! Ridge Racer Chernarus!
  6. I just made it happen, come to our server IL002 and check it out! I don't have any footage yet, because noone has built a decent enough base to show of, so check out this video if you want to learn how to install rMod, and build a base!
  7. oifriendlyfire

    [I'm trying to find people who play DayZ a lot!]

    Join IL002, everyone is soooooo nice on there...maybe not, check my youtube below, maybe you'll stop getting bored with all of the new gear!
  8. Below is a video fo my first Stinger hit on our new rMod Server, IL002 by OffGaming, Come check us out! Our server is very well balanced and has a lot to offer in terms of new weapons, vehicles, skins, and loot drops. We put a lot of time into making sure you only need one extra download to get in, and that is also explained in my rMod installation video, its a very simple install, and can be turned off by simply removing the additional launch parameters from dayZ CMDR
  9. Hey! Thats us! Come Join!
  10. Just a little server advertising! For more information, visit www.youtube.com/oifriendlyfire and check out some of our videos! This server only has vehicles that make sense in it! Grocery stores have vehicles, HMMWV wrecks have playable HMMWV's, last resort shelters and islands spawn epic military vehicles! No more having your hands tied by dayZdev! No vehicles or weapons that include rockets, missles, arty strikes, napalm, auto grenade launchers or Air vehicles that the pilot can control the main guns. Max zombie spawns, and extreme modified zombie difficulty and perception. Server restarts every 4 hours, and has a full 24hr day and night cycle! Based on GMT-9... 4-8 Chopper crashes every restart! Side Chat! 24/7 uptime, and innovative Owner, ME! BEC and AntiHax, adding upgrades daily! Constantly monitoring ban list for assholes! Come see us! Do your worst! Note: rMod required! for more information on installing rMod, visit the link in the signature! Thanks for looking!
  11. oifriendlyfire

    210 Realistic vehicles, rMod, FIGHT WITH TOOLS!

    Ha! I gave the spammer my beans...get sum.
  12. oifriendlyfire

    The Price of Fuel In Chernarus!

    Seriously Russia? Seriously! Come check out our rmod server! Fight with Tools!
  13. oifriendlyfire

    The Price of Fuel In Chernarus!

    Almost, this is DayZ Chernarus with rMod, IL002! Come check it out! Pretty Swell Place! Woot!
  14. oifriendlyfire

    How to remove peripheral dots

    Why can't I figure this out! AHHHHHHHHH!
  15. oifriendlyfire

    How can I remove the radar from vehicles?

    ITs been a while since you asked this question...I'm also on the hunt to fix this. If i find out, I'll let you know...please, do the same!
  16. oifriendlyfire

    Script Restriction #109

    I know its been a while, but I just got this today, on my own server, spawning in on a grocery store that I added to the map...hmmm...BE says #109= addweaponpool. We are rMod, so i dunno. gonna tinker, will report, peace!
  17. As promised, keeping the tanks in play does not always work out for the other guy. Come get some tank action, ends tonight! IL002! -Oifriendlyfire
  18. oifriendlyfire

    How to remove peripheral dots

    Some Arma options are hard coded in the profiles. Merc for example, on a saintly build only allows the changing of a couple of things, waypoints, and 3rd person are not one of those things, I know that this is not the answer you are looking for, but it reflects the same for the difficulty Veteran as well. The white dots stay, but you can change 3rd person, and waypoints. I get so many complaints about the white dots, and I cannot do a thing about it. This is my second post on the second topic. I'm waiting on some replies from some hard hitters at Tunngle, I'll report if i hear anything.
  19. oifriendlyfire

    Ye Ol' Gun Shoppe

    Thought I'd hurry the process of finding banned weapons along by holding a gun store on my server, IL002 rMod OffGaming...I think they were quite happy with their never before witnessed firepower! Check it! Come see us!
  20. oifriendlyfire

    Ye Ol' Gun Shoppe

    That was my 101st...heh!
  21. oifriendlyfire

    Ye Ol' Gun Shoppe

    Hey, that was my 100th post! Kickass!
  22. No answers...waiting on someone smarter than meo to figure out a fix! Good luck!
  23. @Marine I found the same thing. Logically, it should be in a simple configuration. I have added several strings as well, to try and compensate for this. I run an rMod realism server, with realistically placed vehicles and weapon caches, and these dots need to die! My guys are tired of being in a littlebird and getting spammed by these things, and losing gear from well hidden camps being raided due to these little bastards. . Other things I have tried, building my own Difficulty Setting...did not work, simply defaulted back to the last saved one. "Veteran" I run a saintly build. 1.7.3 Chernarus Thats about it, This server is running, so, I dont really have time to take it down a lot and chance dumping it. If anyone gets a fix, please mention it, and I will do the same. Going to head to the tunngle page, maybe some answers there.
  24. Hey dayZ Come check out our new server, IL002, its chocked full of military vehicles, and weapons, with random weapon placement every so often! In the description of the following video, there is some install tips on rMod. If you don't have it, you're missing it! Fight with Tools! OFFGaming! Also, like and subscribe! No whitelist! Peace!
  25. Crazy! Pleasure having you in the server! I think we got your rmod working just fine! Have a good one!