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About Gredenis

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    On the Coast
  1. Gredenis

    Logging off to avoid death

    How about this: 1) If you have taken PvP fire you are 'tagged' for 3-5 minutes While being 'tagged' following conditions apply: - DCing from server locks you said server for 30 minutes. - Upon entering the game, you are knocked unconcious for 1-3 minutes (this applies to any game / server you join). - To counteract 'friendly fire' (in group situations) issues, add new feature to a game called 'trusted person', basically tagging this person 'friendly' to you, thus no PVP tagging happens to your character if a 'trusted person' attacks you, in any shape or form. 2) To counteract server hopping, once you log to a server, you get locked to that server for 10-30 minutes. - This will disable PvP and PvE (raiding multiple supermarkets in quick succession by server hopping for example) server hopping abuse.