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Everything posted by JakeXP

  1. I too have recently ordered a new server from Vilayer. I've yet to even receive the confirmation email over 24 hours down the line.
  2. I agree with the majority. If you feel that the ban was justified then I don't believe that you are fit to be running a server.
  3. Basically I'd like some input from other server admins and anyone who has had to deal with similar situations. There is a clan that frequents our server who we, as well as others on the server, have suspected of cheating / foul play for a while now. Their ability to find our vehicle locations almost instantly after relocating them is second to none, as well as seeming to know where we are. Twice they've waited for us to leave different camp locations to kill us. Both locations were opposite ends of the map. One of the times they had parked their ATV (which was ours, hidden in a completely different place that they managed finding before making their way to us) about 500 metres or so away whilst scoping out our camp with an AS50. Bearing in mind our camp was located beyond the peak of a hill meaning they had no sight of it from where they were, yet they knew we were there. Anyway, each time they've raided our camp and vehicles we've managed to find them again due to them hiding them in obvious places (along the top of the map) and us having a good amount of man power. Their very first camp we raided must have been there a while with 15 tents or so full of what appeared to be duped guns, ammo, supplies and coyote backpacks. Amongst these duped guns were 7 holographic suppressed M4s, which are not in the game as far as we're aware. So today after all of the suspicion I decided to take a look at the logs to see if there was anything else they were guilty of. I wouldn't say I was surprised when I saw 2 of their members both had the thermal AS50s as well as silenced PDWs. Fair enough if one of them had killed someone who had scripted them in, but both of them having the same loadout leads me to believe they actually do it themselves. I realise the first points I've mentioned are purely hearsay and don't really have any concrete evidence but I believe the scripted and duplicate weapons are surely solid enough to give me a reason to get rid of them.
  4. JakeXP

    Should I ban this clan?

    @ Drogur: I think he meant he killed players who possessed hacked weapons, not that he had them himself. And thanks all, I took the advice and went ahead and banned them.
  5. It's a completely different coordinate system used from the in game grid references or what the GPS uses. However, having said that, it would be highly possible to create a new map that cross references both sets of coordinates and allows for locations to be picked out more quickly. My guess is though that more than 50% of admins don't know that locations are accessible and out of the 50% remaining, a very, very slim percentage know what to do with the information.
  6. As a server admin, I can tell you that admins do have such information to a certain extent. Admins cannot pull up a game map with car, tent or player locations. However, admins can see the coordinates of said game elements though they are not the same coordinates that are used in game. I personally don't know what system DayZ or Arma uses for coordinates and if I did I wouldn't give out the means to potential abuse from admins out there. Bearing all this in mind, unless you had a map with the coordinates that DayZ uses that you could cross reference with regular coordinates then player positioning would be hard to follow. And by admins, I mean those who have access to the ACP. Not just in game admins who can kick/ban etc.
  7. JakeXP

    Ural won't move.

    You can drive vehicles with a red fuel tank. Like the above poster stated, all that this means is that the vehicle will lose fuel faster.
  8. JakeXP

    Question about all bases erased

    Many thanks.
  9. JakeXP

    Question about all bases erased

    How would we go about doing so without access to the ACP? Our intentions were to shut down the server but we weren't aware of any other methods to go ahead with it.
  10. JakeXP

    Question about all bases erased

    We've had the same happen on our server today after doing a map(?) restart through the lobby control panel. We're currently waiting for our ACP to come back online so we can do a proper restart in hope that they all return.
  11. I'm also awaiting access to the ACP as we're needing to restart the server.
  12. JakeXP

    So are tents fixed now?

    As far as I'm aware tents are still not saving items correctly but this only applies to those that have an ID over a million, which more than likely your tents have since they were placed fairly recently.
  13. I can also confirm that our tents with IDs of over a million are not working properly. They sometimes save the odd item but most of the time they don't save anything we add.
  14. JakeXP

    Pending Update: Build

    If I gathered correctly, at the moment the more recent tents that happen to have an ID of over 1 million are the only ones having major issues saving like Rocket stated. We wondered why our latest tents weren't saving items at all but now understanding this it seems pretty trivial. Our initial tents that we placed a couple of weeks ago had ID of under a million, whereas our more recent tents fell over the mark.
  15. JakeXP

    Willing to trade X for DMR

    What did you have in mind for trading the opposite way?
  16. JakeXP

    UK 1337

    Hello. I am one of the admins of UK1337 and we are not a hacked server. There is another server named UK 1337 I believe, which is a 10 slot private server. I can assure you that our server is still there. The reason why you probably get good FPS is that we try to restart the server several times per day to clear up any unnecessary data.
  17. Who are we? The Boys are a group of players, more commonly referred to as bandits by most, who either know each other in real life or from other games. The name originated from when we had no idea what to call our server, so we asked the guy responsible of inputting the name to put anything. The Boys is what he came up with. We're all from and living in the UK and our home server is UK1337. The server is maintained by us and we aim to provide an enjoyable experience not just for our team members, but for the general server population. We are a somewhat casual group of players though we do take the game seriously enough when the situation desires. What do we expect from you? First and foremost we expect a decent level of English. As stated, the four of us are all from the UK though we have no problems with players from anywhere else in Europe, or the world for that matter, if you adhere to this criteria. Our main method of communication is through TS3 so a working microphone and access to this software is a necessity. We also expect some maturity from your part. I'm not going to slap down age restrictions as I believe maturity doesn't always develop with age. This means that if your only intentions are to grief us and want to use us for supplies then look elsewhere. Abiding by the game rules and general playing morality is very important to us. We're not interested in cheaters, scripters or hackers and we're as equally disinterested in players who ALT-F4 during combat, abuse game exploits and server hop. Generally anything that would provide you with an unfair advantage. You should not be in it for the loot. It's true that everyone enjoys obtaining new guns and kit but this shouldn't be your sole reason for joining. We also don't have tents and vehicles full of endless supplies ready to hand out to you so bear this in mind. What can you expect from us? I think most importantly you can expect a fun and fair group of players to play with as well as maintaining a good amount of activity. We're a tight-knit group of four already so we're always having a laugh whilst playing. You'll also be able to frequent our server in which you'll be able to call home. Setting the laughs and jokes aside, we're also serious when it comes down to it. If we're moving to a location and we spot an enemy nearby we'll put our game faces on. We tend to come out on top during conflict and this is from maintaining that serious approach to it. Expanding on what I briefly mentioned in the previous point about coming out on top; we're also decent players. We all possess enough skill and game knowledge to outplay opponents in most situations though this is something we're constantly striving to improve upon, and even more so after inviting more players to our ranks. Final words Just to wrap up the post, if you're interested in joining us then please feel free to get in touch through any of the methods of contact that'll be provided at the end of the post. Either apply via our website, get in touch with me via forum PM or add me on Steam. If you do the latter then make sure you tell me who you are. Thanks for the read and good luck! http://theboys.enjin.com Steam: jakemalkin@hotmail.com Server: UK1337
  18. I've personally only had a few incidents concerning cheaters or what I believe to be the work of a cheater. Once a message popped up saying "Enjoy your new weapon" and everyone on the server had been spawned a silenced M4 CCO. The second was a player who I strongly believe teleported as it was his only viable means of escaping and the third was a dead body we found with an L85A2 ACOG GL. Though I don't believe it's not going on just because I've not experienced anything overly malicious. Every game has its issues with cheaters and since DayZ is still in its early days there's plenty of time to improve upon this.
  19. JakeXP

    [VIDEO] Kidnapping ends badly

    Was it not just a zombie crawling in at the end?
  20. JakeXP

    to all owners of an LU server

    Also the admin of a Vilayer server (UK1337). Just brought it down until we're able to update.
  21. JakeXP

    What was your last legit kill

    Me and two friends had just finished checking on someone's tent that we keep a close eye on when we began passed by Pustoshka. One of our guys spotted some players and asked if it was us in the distance. When we informed him that we were right behind him we realised that it was another squad of three players. Myself having an M14, I began taking shots from the distance (about 300 or so metres away). They didn't really know where they were getting hit from, so we began pushing towards them from the hills. They hid for a while before I spotted one of them who had lagged behind his other two friends. I dropped him with the next M14 shot and he died straight away. We approached the town some more keeping an eye out for them when one of us spotted them inside of the supermarket. I approached near where I had dropped the first guy (in the parking area of the supermarket out front) and began taking fire from one of them who also had an M14. I managed to serpentine my way towards a wall to take cover behind without taking any hits. I leaned around the wall and began opening fire on the visible player inside of the supermarket whilst my two team mates provided covering fire. The guy we were shooting at took a hit, either from my gun or a stray bullet from one of our other two members and we approached the store from all angles before finally taking out the last guy. All in all we came out with another M14, a silenced M9, bags full of supplies and some tools we were missing. Not the best haul but a fun encounter.
  22. JakeXP

    Logging in unconscious?

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the unconsciousness upon logging in the 'punishment' for aborting too many times in a short period of time, more than likely to avoid deaths and/or zombies?
  23. So me and a few friends are relatively new to DayZ - about a week old now - and have already had many bad experiences during our short stay. Bad experiences such as helping out someone just to have them hack you down with an axe have provided us with a different mentality to the game as to what we started out with. The mentality that we've adopted is that of the 'shoot first, ask questions later' style. So anyway, after days of being cut to pieces with an axe and getting sniped from God knows where, we decided to take matters into our own hands. The day started out with us three of us (we typically play in a group of 3-5 people) visiting the NW airstrip. We approached it with caution as we had done the previous time we had been there and scouted it out from a distance. We spotted a couple of guys casually hanging out in the ATC tower. At this point we only had medium ranged guns; an AK47, AKM and an M249 we managed picking up at a crash sight we luckily found along the way. Anyway, we watched these guys for a while and wasn't able to make a move on them as their weapons out ranged ours. To cut this part short, one of them we believe died to a zombie and the other ran out over the horizon. We spotted another crash sight nearby, which we decided to loot where we found our first sniper rifle - the DMR. So we logged out for a while until we began playing again on the evening. We made our way back to Elektro and our guy with the M249 managed to die whilst out for supplies after getting knocked out by a zombie. He spawned nearby and went over to the fire station in search of a gun. To his surprise he found another DMR so we now had two of us kitted out with them. We now had two of us with DMRs and our third guy posing as our lookout with just a Revolver and a set of binoculars. The three of us decided to take a vantage point over Elektro from the hills to the north-east with cover from the main sniping spots. This is where the fun began. I was lay prone overlooking Elektro whilst the other two decided it'd be best to scan the hills as we've been sniped from there countless times. I was happily keeping watch when our second sniper calls out "I've spotted a sniper on the hill above the dirt track.. no, two of them!" I quickly divert my aim following his directions and I could see them, one with a sniper rifle also and the other scouting for him using binoculars. We took aim on the sniper and I counted down from 3 to 1. This was the first time we'd properly used snipers on DayZ so we were not so sure on the handling at such range meaning we both just guessed the dip. We fired. One of the first two bullets hit and we saw him bleeding. We quickly fired of a couple more times and we were credited the kill. We quickly rescanned the hill for his friend who we then saw crawling around in the grass. Another few shots were fired and hit, though he must have used alt-F4 to avoid his inevitable death. We thought we landed both kills so we went up to collect loot. The three of us headed up to roughly where we thought we killed them and the flies gave us a good indication. I looked through his gear and bags to find ANOTHER DMR, meaning all three of us now had this sniper. He also had a silenced M9, which I took without hesitation. After I had looted, I let the other two rummage through his corpse when I saw his buddy log back in right next to us. I instantly took out my new silenced pistol and fired off into him. I secured the kill, though this guy only had an AK47 along with another silenced M9 and minor supplies. We thought that would have been our share of excitement for the evening but we were wrong. After thoroughly going through the two corpses, we were about to move to a new position until I spotted another guy running below us in the hills. It was hard to keep track of him due to the long grass around us and bushes that obscured our view. At the same moment, a quad bike zoomed past us in the tree-line further up the hill, though he proved irrelevant. I lay down in the grass keeping my eye out for this new arrival. I glanced over at the corpse of one our victims and spotted him run by. He was now fully in my aim. I crouched up to get a good shot at him but by this point he was also aiming back at me. I fired off a round of my DMR into his chest, but at the same point I was hit by his AK47. Luckily I was only unconscious with minor wounds whilst my shot was fatal. One of our guys quickly patched me up and we went over to loot this guy who must have been a friend. Again, nothing too rewarding. We moved up a little higher into the trees when suddenly shots were fired just above us and one of us went down dead. I quickly proned down along with our other friend and kept still whilst looking out for the latest addition. I saw movement next to a tree just ahead of us. By this point my heart was racing moreso than any of the other occasions as I didn't know if he had seen us. There was more movement and I could now see clearly this guy lay down in the grass next to the tree. I remained patient and followed his movement some more before crouching up and instantly firing off several rounds from my silenced M9. I saw blood so I knew at least a few bullets had hit but I could no longer see a body. We moved further up to where I believed he was and could not find him. During this time our casualty managed to run back to his corpse and get his gear back. All of a sudden, the guy logged in in front of us and I fired off the remaining mag into him. It wasn't enough to secure the kill so I called one of our other guys over to execute him with his silenced M9. Again there was nothing really of any value so we decided to call it a night. Apologies for the long winded post and a lot of not so relevant information but being our first proper encounter, along with being my first post I thought I'd put the effort in. I hope you enjoy the read somewhat.