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About JoesenOne

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. JoesenOne

    Lost All My Gear

    That's why it is in ALPHA, lol. People need to understand that this is not a finished mod. Excpect bugs, report them, ..., profit?
  2. I bought it just for DayZ but will propably look into Arma2 campaign and multiplayer later. I know at least 5 more ppl that did the same. DayZ is just something else! strong potential
  3. JoesenOne

    "bin\config.bin/Cfg Weapons"

    Hm okay that is weird. what are your system specs? are you using six launcher? did you purchase arma on steam or somewhere else?
  4. JoesenOne

    "bin\config.bin/Cfg Weapons"

    You can try joining a different server. If you are trying to join a server with 0-3 ppl on its propably a server side issue or something. look for server with 20+ players. the loading screen sometimes takes very long, even up to 5 minutes. depends on the server... let me know if that helps/helped
  5. JoesenOne

    "bin\config.bin/Cfg Weapons"

    Don't worry about the Cfg Weapons message, its "normal" and does not keep you from playing. What are the other problems?
  6. JoesenOne

    Can't pick up my packed tent

    try circling it, first person view, standing, kneeling all that kind of stuff. step away walk back towards it. if you trid all that already, your tent is propably lost :D
  7. JoesenOne

    Whats up with maps?

    yes this seems to be a server side option. when you can see the name and range of other survivors you should be able to see your position on the map.
  8. JoesenOne

    Will THIS laptop Run DayZ

    Hey there, my system is actually quite similar to yours. I have the GT 555M(2GB DDR3 VRAM) 8GB DDR3 RAM and an i5 processor. i guess you could run the game on High settings but exspect to have fps drops especially in cities. I have actually set the settings to low to have high fps in cities because thats where you mostly need it ;). The settings dont really matter that much though because the atmosphere in game will still be same and that is what makes the game so great. It's still a lot of fun and with all the bugs and lags (remember its in alpa) eliminating one source of lags is always great and improves your experience! good luck ;)