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75 Good

About Blaaaaaaag

  • Rank
  1. Blaaaaaaag

    Best Character Contest.

  2. Blaaaaaaag

    The most underrated City on the Map

    I trust you implicitly. Why, I bet you could macguyver together an airplane out of two soda bottles and a broken old moped, and safely fly us all to Peru.
  3. Blaaaaaaag

    Boonie hats are in!

    Right click DayZ in your Steam library, select 'properties', then hit the 'betas' tab on the right, and select experimental from the dropdown. It'll download a patch that'll probably be a couple hundred megabytes in size, and you're good to go. To switch back, just undo that stuff, and it'll download a patch that reverts it, usually another 200mb or so.
  4. Blaaaaaaag

    The most underrated City on the Map

    You've got that backwards, *only* trust people with beards.
  5. Blaaaaaaag

    Boonie hats are in!

    Found this on experimental a few minutes ago: I did a quick search for 'boonie hat', and turned up a thread where someone had posted a pic of a tan one, so I guess they're available in at least two colours. Looks like I've got a new favourite hat.
  6. Sounds like it is specific to the shipwreck, but just to clarify the bug I'm referring to: I've found myself suddenly sliding while prone. Not vaulting, switching weapons, not doing anything but being prone, and out of nowhere I'm drifting to my right at about a foot or two per second.
  7. I have to wonder if that's specific to the shipwreck, or if that's the same bug that sometimes has me sliding across level ground.
  8. S'posed to be, although some servers would seem to not follow that trend. I've noticed it too, just try a different server.
  9. Blaaaaaaag

    Dayz Steam Trading Cards

    So far two people have voted 'no', and I can't for the life of me reason why. It'd take next to no time for someone in the art department to mock together a handful of cards, and even if you have no interest in them, you can still sell them and make actual money for your Steam wallet. I can't think of a downside to the idea.
  10. Blaaaaaaag

    Musical instruments?

    McGarnagle raises a valid point... If the game had prerecorded music, and that music was public domain, anyone posting videos containing it is still going to get slapped with bogus claims from Orchard Music and other fraudsters.
  11. Blaaaaaaag

    Musical instruments?

    If it were a choice between carrying a guitar or carrying an M4, I'd pick the guitar most days. +1 from me.
  12. Blaaaaaaag

    Effective deterrent to KOS?

    It would have no effect on the KOS mentality, it would not be effective as a deterrent, for the reasons AUTRanger stated. Tell me more.
  13. Blaaaaaaag

    Just died of heart attack, incredibly stupid

    Haha, what? Are you really that far up your own ass? 2/10.
  14. Blaaaaaaag

    Just lost all my sh*t for no reason

    And then you got more shit, and then you died and lost all your shit, and then you got more shit, and then you died and lost all your shit, and then you got more shit, and then you died and lost all your shit, and then you... Welcome to DayZ?
  15. Blaaaaaaag

    The kneecapping pandemic

    I said "it looks like it'll require a pistol and ammo", which means that I'm guessing it will require a pistol and ammo.