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About Serif

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Major firefight over a heli crash outside of Stary. Sniper scope in revealed an as50 at the crash, but nobody could get near it. When the dust cleared, one of the only ones left standing, running towards the crash only to realize it was exactly 5, when the regularly scheduled restart hit. One of those FML moments, but it was still a blast up to the restart.
  2. Awesome, thanks for the info guys. Anyone know of a high population non-Hive server? Seems like any that have HIVE in the name aren't very high population atm.
  3. Anyone know what they are called or if there is a way to filter by them? Seems like a great way to get around server hopping etc, just hoping to find a high pop one.
  4. Bumpitty bump bumping bumperson.
  5. I have heard that the Huey isn't working this patch, but am unsure if this is just a rumor or what. Anyone know if the helicopter is functional if repaired this patch? Trying to decide if I want to keep the rotor I just found.