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Everything posted by moriak

  1. moriak

    Can I run it at an enjoyable level?

    you can try running ArmA2 free.. it probably has lower system requirements than full ArmA2 or DayZ but at least you will get some results
  2. moriak


    try updating to the latest versions of both mod and beta ( and 96584) and then try to connect to a server running those versions of mod/beta (before joining server verify in the main menu that you are really running those versions) if your server is running don't worry about it, you can downgrade dayz any time.. it's just for testing
  3. moriak

    admin chat color

    I think it changed in a beta patch some time ago.. they probably found the red color too disruptive not sure if you can change it back.. I haven't seen a red admin message for quite some time
  4. moriak


    what version of mod and game are you running? it's in the bottom right corner on the main menu screen
  5. no only if it is causing the graphics glitch
  6. moriak

    When do vehicle and tents save?

    it's broken.. use the search function
  7. moriak

    Side Chat.

    when a group of people is using it as their group chat it is quite annoying too.. global chat (in any form) only if it can be disabled on client (i.e. toggle it off in options, turn off walkie-talkie)
  8. BE will not detect you as a hacker so you won't get global ban but server admins can still ban you
  9. moriak

    Will this run days?

    the CPU might be a little weak.. you could download ArmA2 free and see how that runs.. it probably has a little lower requirements than the full game but it's a good start
  10. moriak

    DayZ not working ? Please Help

    what SheriffHD says, try to run both ArmA2 and ArmA2:OA at least once.. I'll just add that you may need to start steam as administrator before that
  11. moriak

    This mod.

    I was getting worried that there won't be any new thread about hackers today but it's all good now.. thanks
  12. colored armband/headband to identify with team/clan/whatever
  13. moriak

    Loading Problem

    there have been some new beta patches, maybe you need to update
  14. moriak

    How to find stuff and suck less?

    sneaking (crouching) is only good for lowering the sound you produce but the infected can still see you quite well during daytime if you are a fresh spawn I recommend sprinting all the time and checking out buildings with at least two exits (barns, stables, red brick houses, supermarkets, firestation lower floor, etc.), that way you don't have to worry about aggro.. you run in, check the loot while the infected slowly shuffle in and you get out the other exit leaving them behind.. then you lose the rest that followed you somewhere in the bushes (or the pine-like trees with low branches, they are pretty much a safe-spot from the infected)
  15. moriak

    Car Repair?

    you can sometimes drive a vehicle with red indicators.. we were able to fix only three wheels on a V3S with red engine, hull and tank and still managed to drive it away (although I don't recommend it) vehicles have different sized fuel tanks so it has effect on how many jerry cans you need for full tank but you can drive for a while with just one windscreen is only aesthetic
  16. moriak

    Swift Gaming's private HIVE!

    just reading the reactions of admins is enough to make every sane person steer away from this server
  17. moriak

    1.7.3 - Lets Wipe the Hive

    then they should not be allowed to connect to the hive until they do.. alpha test is about testing the latest build.. not updating because you don't like something about the new build is retarded
  18. moriak

    Hackers - Should be priority number one

    yup, I'm sure everyone will just forget about it unless we keep reminding them every day or two as stated in countless threads before - it's up to BE to deal with hackers, not rocket
  19. moriak

    PVE and PVP Servers

    it could be considered an MMO but definitely not an (MMO)RPG
  20. moriak

    1.7.3 - Lets Wipe the Hive

    according to the guy who closed your thread - hive wipe does wipe vehicles and tents too I'd welcome a full wipe on every major update so people don't forget they are alpha testers (like that guy above whining about losing 'progress')
  21. moriak

    Global chat ? How ?

    only a couple of servers have global channels enabled (global and side).. it is disabled by default use "," and "." to change channels and "/" to open chat box.. hold caps-lock for voice chat the only viable channel to talk to random people you meet is direct channel.. it has 80m range for voice and 40m for text more on voice & text in this thread: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/7954-voice-text-communication
  22. moriak

    Arma 2 wont start

    then you can try to verify files through steam or reinstall.. also reboot pc
  23. I've been reading through the latest interview with Rocket and once again he mentions instancing in the standalone version of DayZ. Right now we have no information on how this instancing will work. It could work like standard MMO instances with loading screen or it could work like STWOR group zones. It could let anyone in or it could only allow certain people in (group, guild, ...). There might also be different rules than in the outside world (e.g. no PvP). Or it could be something completely new. It's all speculations for now. Anyway, what is your opinion on instances in DayZ as an open-world sandbox game? Do you want them or not? Please answer in poll.
  24. moriak

    Arma 2 wont start

    try to exit steam and run it as an administrator then run ArmA2 once and then ArmA2: OA once to allow them to make changes in your registry
  25. the poll is not misleading, it is about any kind of instancing.. I explained it in the first post personally I'm against it.. there would have to be high limitations to when you can actually get through the instance entrance (e.g. X seconds "cast time" to open the door if you have been in combat in the past Y minutes), otherwise you can just run "through the portal" to get out of a firefight even if the enemy can come inside after you and it's only for a short while.. you are still safe from him until he does.. you should not be able to do that in an open-world game ever look at Mortal Online for example, there are player forts and houses and no instancing is involved.. you can still shoot anyone inside from the outside or destroy the structure (I wonder how that will work here).. different technical solution, I know, but still we shall see though, it's only a poll to see what others think about it.. I'll still play to see how it works before I decide on whether it's too much of an issue for me