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Everything posted by moriak

  1. moriak

    Easiest way to group up?

    I believe it puts unnecessary strain on master server and is not encouraged.. I could be wrong though
  2. guys like you obviously don't play on pitch black nights.. I've been shot at, yes, but never killed.. even if I was, it's a part of the game.. I'm not gonna go whine on forums about it
  3. never used NVGs or gamma boost.. instead I've learned how to play on pitch black nights
  4. moriak

    No Weapons

    I was getting the error prior to 1.7.1 along with other similar errors (glasses, vehicles, etc.) and it doesn't seem to affect the game, just click away and move along regarding your issue, maybe you have just been unlucky since others don't seem to have problem finding weapons
  5. moriak

    Easiest way to group up?

    there's no way to meet up faster on foot.. just figure out where you both are and meet up somewhere in between (you can double-tap W to sprint a short distance)
  6. pitch black nights have been there long before 1.7.1.. I think some of the last ArmA2 beta patches disabled brightness/gamma boosting, maybe that is what you encountered now
  7. moriak

    Weird problem.

    global channels have been removed in 1.7.1 (side, command, global)
  8. - Stars - not enough for naked eye (NVGs amplify starlight) - Moon - not always available - Eyes adjusting to darkness - not really, try it in a dark room There really are completely dark nights in country away from towns (far away, towns pollute air with lights quite far). I don't understand how some people still claim otherwise.
  9. moriak

    Direct Communication

    since beta patch is mandatory now this should work for all players direct channel distance is 40 meters for text and 80 for voice I believe (fading over distance) if people are not responding then they are probably too far or just don't wanna respond (edit: or as Cyd suggested below, they do not know how to respond) oh and BTW: http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=9518
  10. I never used NVGs or gamma boost and never had a problem with dark nights. Just learn how to use flares and chemlights properly. Don't throw flares at your feet or carry them around. To lit up a part of a town, throw the flare there from afar. For moving in between places you can carry a chemlight. When the moon is up you can see fine outside but the moon is not always above horizon (even though there are no clouds - starlight is not enough for naked eye). And pitch black nights are quite real. Doesn't only depend on moon phase but also on your location and moon position.
  11. I don't think this is a video issue.. it's night with no moon try joining a daytime server
  12. moriak

    Can't start A2:CO ! Help

    the cmd screen always flashes when running CO.. the game should start after that however, I can see some errors there - command line does not recognize REG command (reg.exe).. not sure if this matters or not since I never checked what happens in the cmd window when I start the game.. you can try to: - run steam as admin - locate the file reg.exe on drive and put it somewhere the game can find it (C:\ or OA folder)
  13. try this guide: http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=2085 your error is also mentioned there:
  14. moriak

    Offroad pickup with 8 wheels \o/

    the wheel repair menu is the same for all vehicles.. just fix the ones the car has.. right/left front and right/left back
  15. moriak

    Newbie seeking install "help"

    download the .rar files from a mirror and extract them to the @dayz\Addons folder
  16. moriak

    I cant find the 1.7 beta patch Help?

    what patch? DayZ mod version is 1.7.0 and you can download it here: http://www.dayzmod.com/downloads.php ArmA2 version is 1.60 and latest beta patch is 1.60.93666 which you can get here: http://www.arma2.com/beta-patch.php
  17. moriak

    Where to find new handguns?

    M1911 and Revolver are quite common in towns
  18. moriak

    Can't access certain channels?

    edit: nvm, read wrong maybe it is because you are running beta patch, however, I think it is server-side option so no idea why it happens
  19. moriak

    Direct Communication

    it is working on servers requiring beta patch, also the range for text has been increased a few patches back
  20. moriak

    Everything is completely dark

    yes, the nights are completely dark if the moon is not out (behind horizon or clouds) since there is no light pollution
  21. moriak

    Beta patches?

    I didn't have time to try out the latest build yet (93666) but I've been using beta for quite some time and didn't have any serious problems.. I had to reinstall BattlEye when I started using beta but then it all went smoothly.. you just need to copy the executable as it is described in the guide after every beta update
  22. moriak

    Beta patches?

    - how to run beta with steam - http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=9314 - you can still play on servers with older/no beta - there are a lot of new features in beta patches, e.g. longer range on direct chat (which actually works unlike on non-beta servers), server option to disable chat channels (global/side), etc. you can read the change log for the whole list
  23. moriak

    MK16 - Legal?

  24. moriak

    Rough models for the green pouch items.

    they are both .45 ACP, that's why they look almost identical