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About moriak

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  1. I've had this problem a couple of days ago. Dying in ocean doesn't seem to trigger the respawn button. If you're playing on Regular go to server list and filter "reset". You should be able to find a couple of servers that will reset your character when you join them. On Hardcore you're out of luck since there is no such server. This was my case. However, each time I logged in I had a couple of seconds before I "died" so I crawled out of the ocean and just left the game open until I died of hunger/thirst. Not much of a solution though.
  2. Thanks for this. Got a broken leg a short while after I spawned so I crawled into the ocean to die. I was dead at the bottom of the ocean but still couldn't hit respawn (and my character kept moaning and telling me he's hungry). Managed to reset my character this way.
  3. moriak

    Weird Mouse movement DayZ standalone.

    I'm pretty sure it has nothing to do with graphics. If you had this bug you would be too. I can turn fast if I move my mouse slow. The faster I move my mouse the slower my character turns in-game. "Negative acceleration" as someone called it pretty much describes it.
  4. moriak

    Weird Mouse movement DayZ standalone.

    Thanks for the suggestion but I already have both options disabled.
  5. moriak

    Weird Mouse movement DayZ standalone.

    I'm also suffering from this "negative acceleration". It's extremely unintuitive and I hope that it's not by design.
  6. This is not true. I have over 400 hours played in DayZ mod and this "negative acceleration" was never an issue for me there. In SA I'm not able to get rid of it no matter what I do.
  7. moriak

    Mouse Sensitivity Vote!

    My problem is that the faster I move my mouse the less I actually turn in-game. It's as if I had a "deceleration" option enabled. Anyone else experiencing this? (I have tried with and without acceleration, doesn't seem to matter)
  8. moriak

    Containers working unintuitively

    OP suggests that the containers would provide additional protection from damage and decay. That would be their advantage. I also agree that they should not give more inventory slots than they take. It makes no sense.
  9. moriak

    Is duping a ban worthy? [1.8]

    if you find a bug that can be used to exploit you report it and stop abusing it.. if you continue exploiting it you deserve a ban
  10. moriak

    Help with connection to servers?

    if you want to play DayZ Origins then you need to install DayZ Origins mod in the install/update tab and then find a server running DayZ Origins mod.. if you want to play vanilla DayZ you don't have to install anything else how are you choosing a server to connect to? are you using DayZ Commander to connect to the servers or are you connecting from ArmA2 server browser? you should not be getting the same error (bad version) if you have followed the post I have linked and if you are connecting to vanilla DayZ servers
  11. moriak

    Help with connection to servers?

    it means that your ArmA2 beta version is wrong either you don't have beta installed or you are starting the game without it I suggest that you download and install DayZ Commander and then follow this post
  12. WRONG CD KEY message during the installation of beta can be ignored if you haven't used DayZ Commander before I suggest you do and check the install/update tab to see what it reports on your ArmA2 beta and DayZ status.. if they are not "Up to date" then update from there if you don't want to use DayZ Commander for some reason or you want to install it manually even if DayZ Commander does not report any issues then: - download the current DayZ and beta files (there is a newer beta version but 103718 is recommended) - extract DayZ to OA folder (both @DayZ and Keys folders) - install beta (ignore the WRONG CD KEY message) - try to join a server (running DayZ as for the "Allow" option in regedit I don't know what you mean.. I have no such option in regedit where my key is.. only the key and install folders of ArmA2 and OA
  13. moriak

    Tents should reset when you die.

    one tent could serve more people.. it makes no sense for the whole squad to lose all items because the one who placed the tent has died
  14. moriak

    Can't load/join anything?

    press P for list of players, you can mute them there also, this was only to test if DayZ will work this way.. if you want to play on private servers, you have to remove the "Hide Unofficial" option from filter but always make sure that the server you are connecting to is running DayZ and ArmA2 versions that match yours (server name and description will be white if they do, grey if they don't)
  15. moriak

    Can't load/join anything?

    try the following: - launch DayZ Commander - open "install/update" and make sure that the DAYZ COMMANDER, ARMA 2 and DAYZ are all "Up to date" - close "install/update" - if you are using Steam to play DayZ open "settings" and check the check-boxes for "Launch using Steam" and "Replace original Arma2AO files...." - close "settings" - in the "servers" window pick the following options in the filter: DayZ Only, "Hide Unofficial", "Hide Wrong Arma2 Version", "Hide Wrong Mod Version" this should show you public servers that are running DayZ and ArmA2 beta version "compatible" with yours (beta version does not always have to match exactly).. try joining one of these servers to see how it works out