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About mediocreyeti@gmail.com

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter
  1. mediocreyeti@gmail.com

    Looking For A Good Home Server

    XCR1 or XCR3 are both good servers. XCR is dayz chernarus and XCR3 is DayZ+. Both servers have large custom towns. Novy Lug has 6 barracks, Zub Castle has a large skybase with a barracks and and AC Tower, Altar is a town with a hospital, supermarket, church, appartments and military tents. Lots of active admins, 130+ vehicles on both servers, and you get to fight with the XCR clan.
  2. mediocreyeti@gmail.com

    Hostage stories

    Me and a friend of mine used to play on a server. The server had sidechat and we would hang around elektro or starry doing general bandit things. One day we see this guy running with an ak to the firestation coming from the railroad tracks in elektro. We were behind it headed there anyway so we both slipped in the back door and waited for him to come in side and we yelled for him to drop his weapons, he proceeded to. We didnt actually take much i dont think, maybe some meat and ammo. But anyways over time we became friends and both our clans became friendly to each other and we pretty much ran shit on that server until the owner shut it down.
  3. Two dayz team members did not get arrested. It was two arma3 members that did.
  4. mediocreyeti@gmail.com

    Day Z is cruel

    my first encounter with an atv. I was about to rush into cherno appartmens when i start getting shot at from the hospital i think so i run towards the hills and see a nice shiny atv just sitting there. I of course hop on and speed away the put into side the obligitory "stole your atv bitch" i drive in the woods for about 3000 meters when i hit a bump and flip. I was so sad until i looked fifty meters too my left lies another atv. Then i flipped that one like ten minutes later.
  5. mediocreyeti@gmail.com

    Once you get the standalone

    im gonna find a makarov, shoot a guy until he passes out then shit and piss all over him. After that i will probably go look for a vehicle.
  6. mediocreyeti@gmail.com

    Whats the point?

    I would rather take one for the team when my computer crashes then have it so every time someone gets shot they fucking instalog. I uninstalled the game about a week ago because i can't deal with the people on this game. The people who play this game are the ass pubes of the gaming community. Hacking, combat logging, ghosting, duping.
  7. mediocreyeti@gmail.com

    Whats the point?

    Whats the point in a combat timer if you can just alt f4? I have literally seen no less combat loggers than i did before the timer. Seems pretty useless.
  8. mediocreyeti@gmail.com

    Need Medical Assistance in the Mod? Find a medic here!

    I could use a bloodbag in elektro. Mother fucker tried to attack me while i was below the hospital. One Winchester bullet took care of him and a got a free coyote. The only problem is i am now at really low blood and i keep passing out. Help would be greatly appreciated.
  9. mediocreyeti@gmail.com

    Fishing off Death Mountain

    lol your computer sucks. Get some high rez screenshots next time poorfag.
  10. mediocreyeti@gmail.com

    Winchester Ambush

    The girl had a M4A1 CCO SD in her backpack with a bunch of mags along with nvgs, rangefinders, and coyote. Other guy had an ak and some garbage items. They were running to a camp probably because this was just south of north east airfield.
  11. mediocreyeti@gmail.com

    My first bandit montage.

    Not many were on the coast. Plus its my first one. No need to get your panties in a bunch you carpet muncher.
  12. mediocreyeti@gmail.com

    Opinions on letting people go

    I like to rob people. Honostly I have never really been killed i don't think i have ever been killed while doing a robbery. If you can get behind them without catching there guard you already have a huge upperhand so they will either listen and agree or log out. Every now and then you will get someone who will fire a shot at you or have there friend try and kill you but most will not.
  13. mediocreyeti@gmail.com

    My first bandit montage.

    My first montage I have ever made. Hope you guys like it. I had to mute my self in a few videos because i was yelling.
  14. mediocreyeti@gmail.com

    Winchester Ambush

    Its a spambot. Happens here all the time.
  15. mediocreyeti@gmail.com

    Winchester Ambush

    Me and a friend saw these two guys so we both ambushed them with our trusty winchesters.