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Everything posted by resausk

  1. Just have a quick few questions. One would be, do we have to have private military to make models/textures to look nice....I really dont want to have to buy another part of a game just to make my gaming experiance look outstanding. Two would be are we going to see any zombie models real soon? I was hoping we'd see zombies that look much like the ones from the walking dead, missing flesh, eyes, missing parts, crawlers that have lost their legs, etc. Think it'd really bring the game to life and actually scary if their faces looked pretty horrific. Hell now that i've said that part what about if you had a shot gun and blew off a zombies head arm or any limb will that be possible? My final question is: has the engine been so modifyable that we will see ragdoll physics rather then the old school animation drop dead physics.
  2. Looking at the latest screenshots which look pretty nice. It looks similar to Arma 2...dont want to be incorrect here, but the standalone is based off Arma 3's engine right and not 2's? Most of the houses are pretty similar to those in DayZ...Just asking for new things is all...dont want something to look to similar to the original DayZ map. Personally Im tired of the woodsy map I wish the standalone took place in an urban area like New York for instance. Think itd be more creepy and fun. Get to fortify your own buildings, more realistic loot spawns, huge super markets, police stations with possible shot guns handguns and possible riot gear as a player model. Just an idea of mine...
  3. By Urban I mean City look...cherno and Elektro look like towns not cities That's why I had stated a reference like New York or Los Angeles Dont care, One individual review or even few more cant determine anothers opinion on it.
  4. I can wait...WarZ is around the corner, be playing that while I wait
  5. Kind of lame :/ I really liked what they did to the Arma 3 Engine with the character animations and all...oh well either way Im still going to buy it provided that my damn serial doesnt get stolen again and Hackers are extremely scarce....If you want to hack....how hard is it to go to a damn private server to do it...
  6. Once the standalone comes out.....I thought this immediately on the first day it comes out.
  7. resausk

    So I was thinking....

    This is DayZ general discussion smart ones. I was referencing the standalone being hacked up the ass mod or not it still follows with overall DayZ. Since when did I see a Standalone General Discussion Forum? Didn't catch the joke the first time or something? It's called sense of humor.
  8. resausk

    New Standalone Screenshots released

    Looks pretty good love the graphics man. Would be cool to see some zombie meshes and textures put at work ;D
  9. resausk

    Humanity Glitch-Hack?

    No its permanent I've used such scripts in private servers only way to get it up to positive would be to have a friendly hacker grant you back your lost humanity or doing it legitly. Dying wont do any good you'll be a bandit at start, no point.
  10. So its been over i'd say a month in a half now since my product key has been stolen. Which you probably won't believe. Story and truth is I was playing DayZ the morning before I left school all perfectly fine and all on US 317 it was and I get back on after school and Im greeted with "CD Key In Use" So I knew then and there a hacker which Im going to assume an Administrator to either 317 or previous servers I've hopped onto have gotten into my Player ID using some sort of exploit running into the Host log window or the Dedicated Server window that tells you whos logged into the server etc. which then revieled my serial key. I contacted BE about the issue because shortly maybe 2 hours later I was Globaly banned innocently for nothing not hacking or what ever it is script kiddies do now. Their lame excuse was I downloaded a Trojan from some hacking tool I tried to use into a server...........really........that's got to be the most idiotic excuse because there is absolutly no program that would enable someone to steal your key Im not going to go into script injectors because this post will just get taken down, but I know how they work and they dont require an internet connection to use them so there's no way for someone to log into this injector and steal your key its not tied into their computer. In conclusion I play private servers now...nothing but hackers, however I've talked to a few other people approximately 5 others that have also gotten their Keys stolen and GB as well. So anyone out there have the same stupid shit i'd like to know so I can get BE to over look their retarded shit and open up to Proof and justice. P.S: Knowing this could happen again it really isn't worth paying another 10 dollars for some douche bag to steal your key again.
  11. Lol typical you'd all say such dumb accusing shit. Here's the truth. Cheat Engine will not take your serial Key under any circumstance, that's the Script Executor I've known and trusted and now started to use on private servers I have NEVER (and I dont know how to emphasize that enough) used cheat engine in a BE server or any Executor that's just instant ban right there and Im not paying no VIP crap for hacks because I like to play legit i've hated hackers jsut as much as you all I can't stand fag tards that use them on other players its what kills the game period. I HAVE NEVER been one to fuck with people even if I had them but more for good deeds. I use hacks on Private servers now since whats the point cant play legitly anymore when youll be given cheats from another or being script killed. I have lied a bit on script executors off plan youtube scams that may take your shit, but Cheat engine executing a script that have no tie to anyones computer other then your own thats just based off of coding to run into the game is just idiotic to think that someone can steal your key So now that I've said what had to be said this topic will be closed in a mere few seconds, but like every forum its all just filled with trolls and flamers. So I can say fuck this community excluding the developers of DayZ and its staff. I know they put much more effort into this mod then most of you who complain about hackers. If I get banned off the forums for this I don't much give a damn. What more can happen that's already been done. So why don't you pull that into your ass wise guy? Seems I know much more about my own situation then you ever will. What's your hobby masturbation?
  12. Wow this same shit happened to me and the dumb faggot ass cunt that created Battleye told me: "You were probably using a program that had a trojan and stole your CD Key" Which was immediatly false, I have anti viral software and I dont download anything I dont trust and I rarely download anything at all. Wonder if we gather enough people with our same problem we can sue. Better yet shut down the piece of shit company.
  13. Sure but might I add a suggestion? Hackers are able to spawn millitary buildings and create their own forts or camps. I'd love it if there was a way to create these props and make our own camps up north with such props. Examples of what Im talking about: ArmAII/ArmAII:OA library of available equipment and objects - Hosted by Armaholic.com Wire spools and tank traps arent really great for making it look like a neat camp...Now here me out if you look on one of those pages there's a light that runs off a generator, how cool would that be to light up your camp and have it look like an actual survival outpost when dark hits. Of course youll need jerry cans to keep it runing.
  14. So I was just playing perfectly fine this morning and then I get on a server and it says "CD Key in use" when I log in, has some douche bag stolen my CD Key? And if so who do I complain to, to get another. Im not paying for a new fucking game because of some hacker using my CD Key from retrieving it through my GUID
  15. resausk

    CD Key in use Error?

    Emailed them over 12 hours ago and havent gotten a reply. They either think im bullshitting, or it takes more then 24 hours. I posted my Global Ban ID# so they should pay attention to it.
  16. resausk

    CD Key in use Error?

    Do I email Battleye?
  17. resausk

    CD Key in use Error?

    Great now im globally banned, got on again 2 hours later and got that right up my ass.....fucking hacker for sure used it and got it banned....Anyone know a US support number for Bohemia Interactive 420-910-059-267 doesnt allow me to call. And Im not sure if their Office number will do me any good. Thank you for the help if anyone does help.
  18. resausk

    CD Key in use Error?

    I already did -.- I just wanted to be sure if something happened. I didnt post my CD Keys but I told them about the situation.
  19. resausk

    CD Key in use Error?

    So Has a large group of hackers taken a large hand full of ours? I'm about to email Bohemia the problem and my CD Keys for both Arma II, OA, and PM
  20. I'm not sure if im allowed to post this, but let it be a warning blah blah sorry if this isnt the best place to post this but I don't know what better of a place to get the communities attention then here. Anyways moving forward, I have DayZ SP for sadly not for .5 and so since I don't hack or condone it I thought why not use scripts on SinglePlayer just to mess around. The cheats that SinglePlayer gives you only has the DayZ stuff and not outside Arma things like as50 TWS etc. etc. So I looked around the web and couldent find anything anyone know how to integrate scripts with SinglePlayer DayZ? I have old scripts that are detected by Battleye and so there's absolutely no way these would work on servers unless they have a pretty nice injector to bypass battleye which I dont have other then crap cheat engine so no need to freak out. Thanks.
  21. resausk

    Moderation - Hacker on US 485

    Lol us 485 is a good server I'm surprised a hacker was even on it. I've played dayz for 3 in a half months now and 485 was my very first server I put a major camp up north on and not once have I experienced hackers on it.
  22. resausk

    Green mountain ATV: Where is it?

    ^ fail
  23. I lol'd, because its true.
  24. resausk

    The Real Realisticness of DayZ

    No the point is an example:You going down the barn stairs and slightly slip off of them and fall from a 5 foot fall and break your legs is ridiculous.
  25. resausk

    Invisible guy spawning crates next to me.

    I wouldn't see at all why this affects you he seems like one of the nice hackers and not the douche bag ones that just want to fuck with people long as if he ain't ruining people's games I wouldn't report him