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Everything posted by Angryofficer

  1. Angryofficer

    My First Clean Double-Kill in DayZ

    I believe the reason why there wasn't much recoil is because you were prone so the bipod is set.
  2. Angryofficer

    DayZ | Question Time [#3]

    Depends on what they have that I can see on them (backpack, weapons) and location of both of us. I'm just gonna imagine they're by the mil tents and I'm approaching from the market. If heavily armed, pull out the m14 and engage. If not armed, try to wait it out and watch them until they leave. If they loot the tents and come out with something I want (dmr, coyote backpack etc) then probably kill. If they go towards me knowing I'm around there, kill. If not, then probably run. If the server has sidechat, then I'd try to find out if they're friendly. If they run for cover or take too long to reply, then shoot.
  3. Angryofficer

    Your guy's opinion on spawning with weapons.

    Spawn with no backpack and increase czech vest pouch spawn rate. Other than that, nothing.
  4. Angryofficer

    The Stow-away

    The covered ural would probably work best for this.
  5. No idea about the dayz planet ones, but there still seem to be vilayer hives up. Sadly my character is on the dayz planet hive, and I can't find a single server on that, which is bad for me because I had decent gear there.
  6. Angryofficer

    Poll: Which gun is best in which situation?

    There is no poll.
  7. Angryofficer

    Do you disable the Music in Dayz?

    On chernarus, off. On namalsk, I leave it on low because it really makes the game more fun and tense IMO.
  8. Angryofficer

    I only shot him 8 times

    What would happen if you had 1000 slugs?
  9. Angryofficer

    we own namalsk !

    This video is fucking worthless. You have shit music, killing unarmed people with a super op gun from like 500 meters that are standing still. How high did you have to get to think this was worth enough to upload?
  10. Angryofficer

    were is the huey

  11. Angryofficer

    Best map besides chernarus?

    I hate all of them except for namalsk and chernarus. (never tried pantherra however)
  12. Angryofficer

    Everyone is a bandit on Namalsk

    Yup. Found hatchback, Huey, UAZ, and Mi-8. All on one server though.
  13. Angryofficer

    New combat system bugs

    I look at the this opposite way, tin can isn't really gonna be used for combat, but on a night server you might throw a flare onto a person to shoot them or something.
  14. only solution is to listen to justin bieber for 5 hours straight sorry man
  15. this thread makes me want to script
  16. 1: already answered 2: already answered 3: PDW is the best sidearm, there's very little the m9sd or g17 have over it. It spawns in military loot places along with the other 2 sidearms I mentioned. When you spawn, head into cherno/elektro and loot there. Find yourself a lee enfield or winchester. Lee is better, due to much more stopping power, more common ammo, and better range. Then check the military tents/firestations. You might find yourself an ak74 or something. If it has no ammo, put it into your pack if you have space. Primarys are 10, secondaries are 5. Ak74/akm ammo is extremely common, and it'll most likely spawn with the weapon. Tin cans can be used to break hospital windows and distract zombies, other than that they are pretty useless. I wouldn't recommend holding them, only grabbing one to break a window when you know you will soon. Try to get a hatchet, matches, and a hunting knife. With these, you can kill animals even if you have no ammo *because you can use the hatchet as a weapon*. Cook their meat, and eat it. Try to carry 2 canned food, 2 water bottles, 2-3 morphine, 2 painkillers. If you can get meat, drop the canned food and carry 4-8 meat. 4: Yes. SIlenced weapons are completely silent. Use this map to figure out places and different spawns. http://dayzdb.com/map#3.069.068 If you wanna play together or something, my skype name is the same as here. Also, some unsilenced weapons *such as the pdw* can be loaded with sd mags, which makes them silent to zombies but not players.
  17. Angryofficer

    DayZ Namalsk Stories Thread

    So far playing namalsk, I've been kos'd (or at least tried to be killed) except for one. Story of the one time I wasn't kos'd: I saw a helicopter *mi-8*, and jokingly asked it to come down for me, giving it directions. It actually did. I hopped in, 1 guy was piloting (obviously) and one was riding in the co-pilot seat. The one riding in the co-pilot seat named matt is trying to find his friend and is giving directions to the pilot (prochickensoup). We land, matt runs off into the city to get his friend, and I go to check out a barn and a deerstand. I get myself a lee enfield, some food and drink and a couple heatpacks. We get back into the chopper and decide to head to a military base to look for weapons. Upon arrving there, we see another chopper, and a red hatchback. prochickensoup lets us out, so we loot the barracks and throw items into the hatchback. Prochicken lands near the other chopper and dies due to a glitch. He says he's gonna get off. Me, matt and his friend drive the hatchback up the hill to the next military area, get out and start looting. Matt and his friend die due to a hacker, and I randomly start bleeding so I log off. This happened about 2 hours ago or so.
  18. Angryofficer

    Day 34...

    What is love?
  19. Angryofficer

    I need help. I tried using your stickys

    I agree with williamp. Also, why would you buy CO AND arma 2? CO is arma 2 and operation arrowhead.
  20. Angryofficer

    100% NEW! Couple Questions.

    To the people saying sixlauncher is too complicated What the fuck? You click "Update dayz" which is the first fucking option on the screen, then you press launch and join a server. How is that complicated? You must mean sixupdater, which isn't really complicated at all, very simple if you watch a couple youtube videos. I'd recommend using sixupdater or dayzcommander, last time I looked at playwithsix it only had lingor and chernarus. Dayzcommander and sixupdater do all of the maps.
  21. Angryofficer

    Panthera killing spree on western airfield.

    Did you call in your leet tactical nuke?
  22. Angryofficer

    your favorite kind of kill?

    Whacking some guy to death with my crowbar, then executing his friend. Story: Me, him, his friend, and 2 other people were meeting at the elektro church. He *armed with a pdw* shoots one of those 1 people for no reason. I run up and start hitting him with my crowbar, we run around in a chase and I finally kill him. His friend comes back, with a makarov, along with the second other person. *gonna call the friend A and the other random guy B* A shoots B in the head, then starts taking shots at me. It would've been a headshot for sure, except for his friends dead body blocking the rounds. I grab the pdw off the body, and fill him with lead. He falls down, out of ammo with broken legs, and I walk up, reload, and blast him in the face. Made me feel badass.
  23. Angryofficer

    Your Best DayZ Jokes?

    While it isn't exactly a dayz joke, it is somewhat related to dayz. WarZ. HRHRTHHGFN
  24. Angryofficer

    DayZ Unplayable

    I read this story and the other ones, and laughed so hard I fell off my chair and hit my desk. My desk slowly turned around and whispered.. Wait for it. "Noob" Then everyone on planet earth died and god restarted the server. trustori