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About thedizz

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. As the title says, I'm just looking for anyone to group with and just hang out. I do have other friends who play but not during the week :/ I'm usually on from 10 pm to 2am CMT but can stay on later if needed. steam name = gdizzle4545 I prefer to use teamspeak, I'm on www.projectdizzy.com most of the times so hit me up there if you want. also, I play LoL too if DayZ gets too boring.
  2. thedizz

    Looking for someone to play with:)

    I'll play with you! My steam name is gdizzle4545 I'm usually on at the same times you are, I'm also in central time.
  3. thedizz

    Looking for more!

    I'm down to group up anytime of the day. Steam= gdizzle4545
  4. thedizz

    Looking for people to Team with!

    I'm not much of a newcomer, (been playing for about two weeks now), but I'd like to get into a little group thing as well. I have a friend that I play with sometimes, but we never get very far into doing badass group stuff. i have a mic, skype, teamspeak 3, and of course dayz skype - gabriel.garcia451 I'm also located in Texas, but I play at all hours of the day, (work is really slow)