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Everything posted by trylan

  1. trylan

    any new detailed lingor maps?

    uh...wtf is that map??
  2. trylan

    admin slap?

    so i was rumaging through cherno super market on a low pop server for my missing gear that i had just lossed, when i heard gun shots not to far away so i went to check them out as i figured it was the guy who took my body. when i got close to the area i heard shots again, so i hide behind a small building and just as i was typing friendly i got hit like the same thing as a zombie would be doing but it shot all the way to the beach and dropped me to bleed out with broken legs and shock...so i just let the timer go and quickly bled out. I looked at the players before leaving and there was only 4 other players, 2 of which were opposite clans. so I'm wondering if this is just people abusing admin powers now as i remember things like this in old fps times(counter strike)
  3. trylan

    Suggestion for the Zombies.

    so then rocket just ripped off someone else's modded and add some more programing to his zeds?
  4. trylan

    Starting a small tactical squad

    i'd say count me in but i dont have a mic, so i dont think you would :/ steam id: trylan12
  5. trylan

    New vehicles

    lol why an icecream truck..? so you can rape little boys?
  6. trylan

    Recruiting more survivors!

    i got no mic, but i'd probably suit you guys in being an extra hand in helping in the looting part. I'm a mature player (older than you if that is your age) just looking for a good group you can add me on steam if you like and we can go from there steam id: trylan12
  7. i wouldnt mind joining you guys as i havnt been able to find any vehicles at all, just the dam parts. steam id: trylan12
  8. you can add me if you want, i'd love to join your crew as it would suit my style well. i've got skype but no mic for this comp my steam id: trylan12
  9. trylan

    Starting Tactical DayZ Group

    if you play in the evening time and have a set server then i'd more then happily join you man steam id: trylan12
  10. trylan

    looking for fellow survivors

    i'll join you guys if your times are in the evenings steam id: trylan12
  11. im also looking for a group in the pst as i'm having somewhat the same problems as you, i dont have a mic but i do have skype. you can add me on steam if you wanna meet up somehow on a server my id: trylan12
  12. trylan

    Advice for bandits.

    lol...fail retarded bandit.
  13. trylan

    Some videos from me to you

    i like how no zombies go after you shooting in the bushes but go after the guy when he respawns right after you kill him and shoot him...this movie just goes to show how pointless and broken the zombies are at some points....
  14. trylan

    A very cool story!

    i got one....i spawned..ran up the air strip on the south coast gathering supplies and what not while fighting off zombies with my trusty hatchet while working my way up to cherno when i suddenly get snipped at once, then twice and a couple more times so i hit the deck...i knew this guy had bad aim so i started to crawl and then moved up and started to type and then he finally hit me. then when i bled out i respawned about 30 seconds away from my body and there was about 5 of them standing over it and i just typed "lol" they just started shooting me till i was bleeding out
  15. i think you may be right about that or something as it is a limited spawn of vehicles per server and most people just camp them at their base/tent till they get found or destroyed...i dont know the full details but thats about the basics of it :/
  16. trylan

    A refreshing experience

    i did the same sort of thing to a guy named cooper on a different server in electro today, even after he shot me....twice. he ended up dying later though :/
  17. trylan

    It's OK to Kill Anyone/Everyone

    well i dont exactly see it as fun when your shooting at someone with no weapon in the back...but i guess whatever gets your rocks off. <3 I think there could be more to accomplish if there was electricty put into the game and maybe more vehicles..then people would try to survive more then just amass things in there camps...start thinking rebuilding a society, if this is after all a zombie apocolps..
  18. trylan

    Cherno snipers getting lazy

    ya this really has just gone to almost counter strike with zeds as pesky npc..im stuck in electro restocking on ammo killing zeds and getting kicked from each server im on or killed with no gun before i get one...or just after i find one, and the sniper just dosent want to loot my body( i know this cause i spent 30 mins treking back to my body with an alice backpack full of supplies to see my coyote bag and winchester gun sitting there)
  19. trylan

    How real men play Dayz

  20. trylan

    Spawn as parachutist

    theres a huge flaw in that parachute idea because where did the plane go? why didnt it come back to get the other survivors? did it crash? why not go look for it... way to many factors to put into that issue..washing ashore is alot easier to explain then falling out of the sky with a parachute :/
  21. lol i dont have a mic for my comp and i wouldnt shoot someone that helped me find a gun and gave me food. I just use chat and salute ppl when i see them, but that sometimes gets me shot :/
  22. wow...yup, name says it all; what an ass-hat.
  23. trylan

    2v1 fire fight

    nice little fire fight there, good aim for that far of a distance with no scope :)...i like how the only zombie around comes running for you :/ thats why i think there needs to be more zombies spread out around the map, not just big clusters around the cities/loot spawns.....that would definatly change the pvp aspect