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About Innocent

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  1. Innocent

    Beta 95168 - Double performance

    Updated. Have noticed no fps improvements, seems it's become even worse a bit. And servers don't hurry to update, so there are still not much servers and almost every is full.
  2. Innocent

    Banned from US 47 Atlanta?

    Yep, seems to be so :) But there is a bit of sarcasm in my question ;)
  3. Innocent

    Banned from US 47 Atlanta?

    Should I have used words "inadequate" and "admin" in the thread's name for some response like here: http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=28010 ?
  4. Innocent

    Banned from US 47 Atlanta?

    Quote from the neighbor thread (http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=28010)
  5. Hi there! Today me and 2 my friends were playing at US 47 Atlanta. We were looting some tent camps near edge of the map. While doing this we met some guy with ghillie suit riding bike. We killed him. As I remember his name was "bean bandit " if it matters. He had NVG, rangefinder, L85 A2 AWS and some more good stuff. Then we buried him and stolen Ural and Land Rover with items in it (shame on us :D). After that we found one more camp and saved our cars far away. Few ours ago we tried to connect this server and got the same message instantly: "You were kicked off the game". Same for 3 of us. Can someone explain please what does it mean? Some butthurt or what? We were doing nothing forbidden by game philosophy. Our ingame names: Innocent, morish, k0styan. Thanks for advance.