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Everything posted by monan101

  1. Got the third part of the video up some bad things happen
  2. 4 of us were going to raid the airfield when we came across a group of people who looked suspicious and we got into a fight with them
  3. 3 of us head out after robbing some tents to loot stary sobor in ait's infinite wonders
  4. Got a new video up only part 1 so far killing zombies and gutting sheep, also robbing tents.
  5. got a new video up not as interesting as my last one but it has it's moments
  6. my buddy was down and zombies trying to get to him had to run 2500m just to revive him had to kill 50+zombies to get to him. enjoy :D
  7. monan101


    Hells yeahs!!!!!!!
  8. monan101


    This is great thanks for seeing my video and letting people know about it :D
  9. monan101

    The Quest to revive a downed friend

    Thanks! glad you enjoyed good publicity and all that haha
  10. monan101

    DayZ Stories

    I have a good story i even made it into a video uploading at the time of posting but it should be ready soon, Basically me and a friend were split up, miles apart,he was knocked out by zombies and i had to run 2500 m to save him, i had an enfield so when i killed zombies i attracted about 50 or more had to kill every single one of them. Here's the link hope it's good
  11. I love the amount of zombies, it means you have to be super carefull, much more than previously, even if the numbers were an accident i will say in my opinion it's a happy accident
  12. monan101

    DayZ Update 1.5.7

    crazy zombies attacked me and a friend in a barn, random italian guy was shooting an enfield and attracted... i kid you not 40-50 zombies, we fought them off and ran for it leaving the italian guy, he was really just making it worse by shooting. thanks Rocket, crazy scary situations now
  13. Just if anyone is looking for some DayZ videos to watch on Youtube when they aren't playing. got a couple up adding more all the time. My DayZ playlist - And my Youtube channel - http://www.youtube.com/user/monan101?feature=mhee hope somebody finds them interesting :)
  14. monan101

    DayZ Stories

    I have a couple of videos in a series 5 parts trying to raid the east airfield as of this post part 1,2 and 3 are up 4 and 5 to come soon
  15. I was on the roof of the biggest block of apartments in Dubrovka, just waiting for daylight, when 2 players started shooting and throwing flares into the town, i stayed hidden and watched them to see what they would do. I heard shooting in the supermarket below and across the street, so i crouched and got to the edge of the building. Saw 2 survivors in there scavenging supplies, one had an AK and the other a revolver, i readied my M14 just incase they saw me and got hostile. As they moved off I exposed myself a bit too much, so they noticed me. They raised me on the chat and I told them I was friendly and asked them if they were and they told me to surrender. Being a cool guy and all I refused, I stayed prone on the roof covering the ladder hatch, knowing that if the wanted to get me they could only come up that way and made sure they knew that was their only option, well other than to leave without incident. Just as i was thinking they had given up they started firing on my building with AK and some other weapons, but it was just a waste of ammo because i was covered by the lip of the roof. I stayed there taunting them daring them to come up the ladders, must have laid prone for close to an hour, eventually they cut their losses and bolted out of town before disconnecting. Just goes to show, good position > Idiots with AK's
  16. monan101

    Still waiting for character to create

    i don't think there is a single person not having this problem, let's be smart about this, there are loads of new players to this mod recently, i doubt the mod creator would have had any idea his Alpha release would get to this level, this of course means that the amount of people trying to log on far exceeds the capabilities of the character server. (the place where your character data is stored, and retrieved from every time you log in) So clearly this character server is overloaded and people constantly connecting is doing no good. The only problem i have is that my character may get hungry and thirsty while i am not able to play. HOwever i expect some kind of clarification as this is purely speculation at this point, even though it is very likely.
  17. monan101

    Burial Sites

    Just a suggestion, like the random Heli Crash spawns,. I thought it would be cool if you could come across a randomly spawned mass grave in the woods etc, like as if the army was desperately trying to control the infection by burying bodies in the woods. Maybe there would be some soldier zombies and some wrecked trucks near the graves and some body bags, also of course some chance to find loot. I think it would makethe whole running around in the woods thing a bit more interesting.
  18. monan101

    Burial Sites

    more or less what i was thinking
  19. monan101

    Unofficial wiki: www.dayzwiki.com

    this is a great thing will be good for new players and the veterans, great information
  20. monan101

    Burial Sites

    yeah i have seen one or 2 but only at the airfield I just think they could be cool as a random or maybe constant place in game