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Everything posted by monan101

  1. Hi all, it's been a while since i last posted any of my videos here. mainly due to dayz not working, having a new job and other shits. First of all let me state, I have absolutely loved DayZ, recommended it to all the people i know. It's been a big part of my life in it's short history, and has helped me grow my youtube channel faster than i could have any other way, and for that i am truly greatfull. And i am certain it will go on to be the game we are all hoping it will be. But i think it's time from me to walk off into the DayZ sunset as it were. But anyways here is a newish video, at least the last one i had made in dayz. And with that i think i will be retiring from DayZ for a while, for the main reason that, it's turned into a hacker/pvp clusterfuck. #Today i was playing, had a shootout with an obvious hacker on the US53 server, i shot the guy point blank 30 rounds from the ak, then after running out of ammo he shoots me once with a lee enfield and kills me. So i quit. I've had enough of invincible players, weapon spawners, tanks, apaches, spawning in the air, insta-deaths, teleporting, and hackz in general. Who knows why these people need to hack, maybe they have tiny genitals and no friends and need to make up for that by ruining everyone's dayz. And that statement is %100 truth. Factual yo. So very little to no DayZ for me. Well at least until somebody makes an effort to remove these wankers from the game. And on the PVP side, it's not so much of a bother, but i actually miss the old tension i would get when encountering another survivor. It used to be like "oh i wonder if he will shoot on sight, i can approach him and try to talk" meeting a random player was new and exciting because every time it could be different. In contrast, now when i encounter a player i know i have to shoot first, because every time i try to do the nice thing and help out those in need, i end up getting shot in the face balls. Yes i shoot on sight now, no matter. but that is out of necessity. Maybe one day i will make a full return, maybe that day will be a brighter day in the dayz universe, but for the time being i am done. P.s i have a couple more videos from DayZ to upload so if you want you could catch them before i suspend them for the foreseeable future. Thanks for all the support i have received from the forums here it has been awesome. p.s to the hacker who will inevitably read this and start trolling. you have a very small penis... LAWL
  2. monan101

    Possibly my final Dayz videos

    -1 fuck given.
  3. monan101

    New Intro for DayZ

    I knocked this together and i think it looks pretty good tbh. let me know what you think
  4. monan101

    New Intro for DayZ

    Thanks, it's what i was going for
  5. monan101

    New Life series

    Part 2 of my video starting on the coast and working my way in land
  6. monan101

    That series i made

    so i have part 2 of this series up, hopefully someone enjoys this
  7. risky buisness it is, but it is funny
  8. monan101

    Trolling survivors with flares in cherno

    Yeah lol, i was looking at the chat and typing, i should have expected to get shot, after all i was in cherno
  9. monan101

    Trolling survivors with flares in cherno

    INDEED! Let's make a contest! HELLS YEAHS!! Also if you dodge their angry bullets you get double points and you win DayZ.
  10. monan101

    I PlayZ DayZ

    yep i do now come watch
  11. Yout think that's bad? i had an as50 and a ghillie suit got insta killed by hackers. nobody near me, all stats full, no blood loss, no shots, just died. Lost everything and had to start again, i finally started getting good stuff again and guess what!? insta killed, out of nowhere again.
  12. monan101

    Sniper cover airfield raid

    The best and most awesome way to raid an airfield.
  13. just like in the walking dead where they walk down the street in zombie guts haha
  14. monan101

    DayZ series

    I wanted to start making more DayZ videos so here i go, started up a series come watch and stuff.
  15. monan101

    Survivor Series

    I started putting videos together, mostly parts where there is action. Trying to make it look like a kind of documentary, kind of like Diary of the Dead, except not corny and shit. i will improve as i put more of these together, just trying it out.
  16. The very first time i played this mod i thought, what would it be like to start with no weapons, i thought it would be awesome, think of the tension of meeting people, they may be armed and you might not. I think that yes it should be a new feature, coupled with the now (soon to be in more dangerous zombies it will actually give players a reason to be stealthy, right now zombies are easy, Here is a scenario - if a player starts with no weapons and decides to run through a town looking for loot. subsequently attracts zombies. they run the risk of dying straight away unless they try to hide from the zeds. (and that would be awesome and heart racing). Now in the same scenario the player has a macarov, runs into a town and attracts zombies, runs away turns around every few seconds and shoots them in the head. Much less interesting to play imo. [edit] also i think for new players seeing their first zombie would be a much more terrifying encounter. But i think weapon spawn chance would need to be increased to accommodate the amount of weapons needed to arm new players. Also spawning without the macarov would stop everyone looking like they are pointing hanguns at each other. Maybe there is a mod that could be incorporated into the game to holster a sidearm. even if it is the only weapon on the player.
  17. monan101

    DayZ tractor chase

    speaks for itself
  18. monan101

    DayZ tractor chase

  19. monan101

    The DayZ X-Files

    there's talk of strange folk abroad... was uploading when posted, all done now
  20. monan101

    how to really survive

    how to really survive DayZ http://www.youtube.com/my_videos?feature=mhee
  21. TRying to place a tent on 1.6.0.something (hasn't worked since 1.6.0) even found a way to get the animation, but not for the actual thing to work
  22. this makes me cry