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Everything posted by BunnyHillPro

  1. BunnyHillPro

    Hard Reset?

    Put in a support ticket to your server provider?
  2. BunnyHillPro

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    I have this graphical bug in almost every patch, but it's just sort of random when it happens. It happens moreso when it rains, and sometimes I'll go several days of playing with not seeing this.
  3. BunnyHillPro

    Looking the Wrong Way

    sometimes I lokk the wrong way, but then I think... what the fuck does it mean to lokk?
  4. BunnyHillPro

    About bear traps...

    I've never seen a bear trap.. Your ideas are not practical or interesting.
  5. inb4 sticky threads are sticky threads (you should find them)
  6. BunnyHillPro

    L85A2 LWS

    You're carrying 3 guns... Even with a coyote (24 slot) you only have room for 4 things besides the 2 guns sitting in it. Find a friend to hold your mk... or something.
  7. BunnyHillPro

    My first murder! :D

    You're pathetic. This kind of act will ALWAYS come back to get you.
  8. BunnyHillPro

    I killed a man. . .

    This is how the game should be played (your story). Not the bullshit "LETS RUN AROUND CHERNO COD 4 NERB WEEEEEEE".
  9. BunnyHillPro

    Weapon nerf needs to be removed

    The nerf isnt a result of *derp* it's from the newer Arma 2 beta patches.
  10. BunnyHillPro

    Help with Tents

    The trick to placing a tent is this: 1) Open your gear 2) Click "Pitch Tent" 3) Move slightly (with gear menu still open) 4) Click "Pitch Tent" The key is that you just move slightly around each time, an inch or two, and try to place it again. After enough attempts the tent will place, even though you're practically in the same spot you started.
  11. BunnyHillPro

    M4A1 Holo - Not legit, right?

    It's legit, just like a .000000001% drop rate (not an accurate number, but a great approximation).
  12. Here: http://lmgtfy.com/?q=Six+Launcher
  13. BunnyHillPro

    So last night we found out this was possible

    Glorious, you have my beans!
  14. BunnyHillPro

    Clothing Spawning?

    They wont be spawning until of the DayZ patch is released. It just got released to server owners that don't care if it's completely broken. It will be released to everyone via sixlauncher when Rocket and crew feel it is ready for it.
  15. BunnyHillPro

    I just found the most amazing thing...

    Wow... use the search function. There are 400 other threads just like this.
  16. BunnyHillPro

    Pending Update: Build

    He wanted to add a "Suicide with Gun" feature... but I see a whole new "Jump off a building Suicide" taking place. Maybe he wont have to create a bullet to the brain suicide animation after all. JUST FIND A TALL BUILDING OR SOME SANDBAGS FOLKS!
  17. BunnyHillPro

    Revolver and M1911 nerfed?

    I think they should be 2 shot kills. The 1 shot was a little powerful I guess, although I did like it. But, 4 shots for a revolver!? 3 shots for the 1911?! The round is larger than the makarov's so why does it take the same or more shots to kill a zombie? *sense none*
  18. BunnyHillPro

    Private server for friends limited to Elektro

    I would try playing "Call of Duty" or "Battlefield".
  19. BunnyHillPro

    How do I Alt+F4?

    Step 1: Hold Alt Step 2: Hold F4 Congrats, you have saved your loot from a douche... just don't let this information get in the wrong hands.
  20. BunnyHillPro

    PVE Servers

    You're retarded if you can't see that there would be a seperate "hive save" for PVE servers. But... what can I expect from internet people? Fyi: I would never play on PVE servers, too dull, but people should have the option.
  21. BunnyHillPro

    Pending Update: Build

    I laughed pretty hard, <3 you rocket!!
  22. BunnyHillPro

    US 170 Elektro fire station massacre

    k, nobody cares.
  23. BunnyHillPro

    Crawling is bullshit

    lol... I would help you by saying there's a medical service in this game with 30+ doctors that can travel to you and help you out... but you double posted and sound like an ass... so good luck, and have fun.
  24. Just disable in options, it's fine as is.