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Everything posted by BunnyHillPro

  1. Guys, understand this. The game just announced it's going stand alone. They say that the mod will still be patched and progress, but they don't give two shits about the mod anymore. The second the game is fairly playable, meaning of course very few game breaking bugs, they'll completely drop the mod from development and focus on the stand alone. Which in my opinion isn't necessarily a bad thing.
  2. BunnyHillPro

    Spawned w/o gun and edibles

    The videos you are watching are from gameplay of patches almost 2 months old. You should only spawn with painkiller, bandage, and flashlight. Good luck :) steep learning curve.
  3. BunnyHillPro

    Are hackers/scripters gone?

    no. Battleye is a joke. Server admins aren't allowed to admin their servers because of DayZ devs being in bed with HFBservers.com no.
  4. BunnyHillPro

    More Vehicles - SUV

    They have uaz's (jeeps) and miritary urars.
  5. BunnyHillPro

    Hero Skin?

    bullyin is bad mkay
  6. BunnyHillPro

    Passing out on spawn

    nespi nespi nespi nespi nespi
  7. BunnyHillPro

    Hero Skin Bandits

    You're my hero!
  8. This is by far one of the best reads I've had on the forums. Everything was very well put, and I couldn't agree more. I wish the dev team would hire you.
  9. BunnyHillPro

    Passing out on login

    Maybe you should log out in combat, then you wont log in unconscious.
  10. BunnyHillPro

    I showed mercy a payed for it....

    lol why help a guy that tried to steal your vehicle? That isn't mercy, it's naive.
  11. ^ For the retards that wont be able to find it.
  13. YOURE RIGHT!!! I should be able to spawn right where I died, an unlimited amount of times. THAT WAY, I CAN KILL THE GUY THAT KILLED ME!!! YAAAAAAAY /sarcasm /inb4 bad idea /I believe you're looking for the "Suggestions" board on the forums
  14. BunnyHillPro

    What Has Changed The Dayz Player Mentality

    I agree, it has changed, and it's for the worse. It's sad how childish and demanding "GIMME GIMME" the playerbase has come when they have no entitlement to begin with. I hope it will get better, but like with every game... popularity brings these kind of people.
  15. BunnyHillPro

    i need help will reward

    I would help you, but there's a 'Search' function. OH, and a thread 100 pages long made for medic requests, backed by a group of 50+ doctors/medics. But, you wouldnt know about it.
  16. BunnyHillPro

    so, hacking is here to stay apparently

    Hackers are in every game, and it can NEVER be stopped, just kind of controlled. Arma2 was meant to be a trusting engine so that people could be creative with the missions they created, so as long as DayZ is on the arma engine hacking will be gloriously easy for the companies that make them. Even when it goes standalone it will be hard, because I'm pretty sure there's a lot of money in the business of creating cheats for 12 year olds and retards. It's sad, but true. In the gaming world, money can replace ability.
  17. BunnyHillPro

    What Has Changed The Dayz Player Mentality

    You just made a thread about how you want people to start with a makarov and 1 mag, and you're making a thread complaining that people are pvp'ing? Sense, none.
  18. BunnyHillPro

    No one benefited from this.

    This. Is. DayZ. :)
  19. BunnyHillPro

    New Character Spawn Idea

    Your average joe doesnt have it... 7 billion people on this world. Post apocolypse (dayz) we have 1 million people. ALL grocery stores and hospitals are raided. You don't think that 1 million people (.0143% of 7 billion) could get there hands on some painkillers? pfffft
  20. LOL, nobody cares and it's a part of the game. The fact that you're so mad is fucking hilarious. I've always said, "Vehicles are easy come, easy go" and to have one is just a priviledge. EDIT: My clan of 20 have had urals / uaz's / pickups / hatchbacks / GAZ's / ATV's / Motorbikes / even tractors - stolen from us or blown up, but we find them again and we deal with it. Keeping vehicles in a tiny group or by yourself is almost impossible because you can't protect them 24/7, but even with 20 people, hackers can ruin a good night, but then we go out and find some more. It's a part of the dayz life.
  21. BunnyHillPro

    New Character Spawn Idea

    Anybody who has gone through intensive surgery (more than you think). Anybody with chronic pain (back, legs, whatever). Any family with a relative who has terminal cancer. Any doctor who wants to be a drug addict. Has morphine or drugs like it.
  22. BunnyHillPro

    Any servers still have Sidechat

    It can get you blacklisted if the sidechat doesn't server a DIRECT and REAL purpose. Examples: Trading Post Reddit Server