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About highwind

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. * Server this happened on.DayZ - US2209 ( (Regular|3D:ON|CH:ON) dayzmod.com - TBAGaming.com| Vilayer.com * Time that it happened including your timezone.13 Aug 2012 4:53 pm, US Central (GMT -6) Server time is GMT -9 * What happened during the incident.I logged into the server via the desktop rcon client as RCon admin #0. I see three users named DayZ , [ZET]Jrobi14 , and ultramarine joe pop up in chat immediately. I was amused by the name "DayZ" and gave a tip of the hat via a lol through the console. I then started up the game and spawned in to go about playing. A few seconds after getting into the world, I see chat from the same names appear in the direct channel on my screen. I am suspicious due to the low probability of 3 players knowing my exact location and being there. I then see three dogs run up to me. I am mildly confused, but cognizant enough to recognize that these guys were clearly using illegal methods to change their appearances and possibly teleport. I give a stall response and snap screenshots of all three names. The leftmost dog in the final screenshot then turns into a ghillie-suited-survivor and, as expected, guns me down. I immediately check the screencaps to obtain the names in order to ban. Seeing a clear exploit, I execute bans on 2 of the trio, but the third disconnects before I am able to get him. On my death screen, I see many deaths appear rapidly. I then have receive reports via teamspeak of other players seeing the deaths while stuck at one of the loading screens during spawn-in. I then download the server logs for analysis in prep for this report. Here is a transcript (with IP addresses REMOVED). My report begins at the first bolded underlined portion at 9:23:50. I will provide the full downloaded log files to authorities privately if that is necessary. *snip!