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Everything posted by Lemington

  1. Some guy named Bolo, on US 540, teleported a large amount of players and killed the, with friends i believe. I know the guys who make this mod try hard and there doing a great job at it, but these problems still persist.
  2. Lemington

    We need Objectives....

    What we could have is a sort of easter egg hunt of clues via finding notes and graffitti, and things of the like to follow a survivors story and the rare loot at the end of the rainbow
  3. Just a few ideas myself and my friends have been talking about, first of all the ability to collect resources such as tnt, gunpowder, nails, dud arty rounds, tin cans and other assortments of things to make IEDs. Thoughts? The second idea is a sort of military clean up squad, say some soldiers kitted up in CBRN suits (Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear), backed up by some sort of transport vehicle such as a UAZ or a Ural, (New way to get vehicles?) plus military grade equipment, but they are dangerous to take on and shoot on sight. thoughts?