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Grandpa Jimmy

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About Grandpa Jimmy

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

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    Not Telling
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    Perpetually respawning

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    Just an old noob who finds DZ intriguing. Can hit the broad side of a barn.

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  1. A well-administered, UK-based, low ping, high FPS server could use a few MATURE adversary clans to spice up the clan-vs-clan PVP action. A bunch of us old guys (and one hatchett wielding madwoman) collectively known as the Fogeyz are looking for some action. The map is Chernus, with a few added buildings (barracks at NE airfield, hospital in Stary, store and apartments in Kamenka). Vet level zombies. 3P. If your can is mature (regardless of age) please feel free to join. No script kiddies (you'll be banned quickly), no folks who like to talk and make strange noises over side-chat (you disturb our naps), no rage quitters (on the off occasion that we get you first), please. Here is our server specs: http://arma2.swec.se/server/data/211214?page=5 And here is where to request a whitelisting: http://fogeyz.co.uk/index.php?topic=259.0 Again, if you're up for having some flung on a well-run server, bring your crew.
  2. I play on the Fogeyz server. It is a "mature player" server with pretty strict policing (no side chat) and very good admin. It is not always white listed (we take it down sometimes on weekends to bring in more pvp traffic. Script kiddies get banned quickly. Rollbacks occur as needed. A few extra buildings. Four restarts per day. Perpetual daylight. Veteran settings with the Zed set pretty aggressive. Currently has a dominant Fogeyz clan (a bunch of us old folks who can't shoot straight and are probably more hazardous to ourselves than others), a small hostile adversary clan (WP boys I mean you), a neutral clan (TP) and a fair number of adhoc squads. Here is a link to the server: http://arma2.swec.se/server/data/211214 And here is a link to the whitelist request: http://fogeyz.co.uk/index.php?topic=259.0 So if your squad likes to play mature, can deal with victory and defeat without raging, stop by.
  3. As a a "mature" player, I wanted to give props to our Admin Lt. Dan. He does an outstanding job with the server and keeps (most of) the script kiddies at bay. Server has a nice blend of clans, lone-wolf types, and noobs. Fun times.
  4. Grandpa Jimmy

    Anyone not playing Chernarus until SA?

    Still loving Chernus. Play on a great whitelisted server witha bunch of more mature players and strict skiddie banning. Search Fogeyz to find it. Lots of fair but tough play and it needs the large map.
  5. Grandpa Jimmy

    Locked Doors

    Locked doors and locked gun cabinets at military bases that require crowbars to open would 1) add a touch of realism, 2) make a player choose between axe and crowbar (or use inventory slots), and 3) encourage teamwork.
  6. Grandpa Jimmy

    Snowy Dayz concept art

    And snowshoes. And snow-mobiles. Horse-drawn sleighs. And SNOWBALLS!! And maybe zombie Santa won't only be in the smokestack.
  7. Grandpa Jimmy

    Snowy Dayz concept art

    Of course snow means....skiing!
  8. Grandpa Jimmy

    Hooked at 50

    Get off my lawn...or i'll shoot.
  9. Grandpa Jimmy

    Hooked at 50

    Thanks for the tip. Just signed up.
  10. Grandpa Jimmy

    Hooked at 50

    i respect my elders and refuse to shoot first. Beans to you. Wonder who the oldest Survivor is?
  11. Grandpa Jimmy

    Hooked at 50

    Maybe thats why the number of players is falling. The game is appealing to those of us so old school we remember the original "pong" and Pacman. Started with my kid, and probably have more hours logged than he does. The kids dont have the patience to nsmurvive, and they take stupid chances. Maybe we need a 50+ squad.
  12. Grandpa Jimmy

    Message from the North

    What a great idea - the mod or standalone needs soccer balls!
  13. I think there are two answers. The first, as stated above, is based on the mechanics of the game. The second, and more important, is when you give up your personal integrity and morals by killing a fellow human being. Once a murderer, always a murderer.
  14. Grandpa Jimmy

    Sorry Clayton

    No beans for you! Next you'll be shooting the little bunny wabbits.
  15. Grandpa Jimmy


    So i just got shot by a script kiddie, who then grabbed my body and teleported mt to some coast in debug plain. I found you cant shoot yourself, so maybe we ought to add cyainide so you could off yourself and respawn.