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Everything posted by kingpootis102

  1. kingpootis102

    Trading Coyote backpack (24 slot)

    Eh.... nobody's going to trade a Ghillie Suit for that, much less an AS50.
  2. Alright, so I spawned near the Cap Golova lighthouse as a new spawn. I thought "Well, I guess I can check up there for a bike." I went up there, and to my surprise there it was. Old bike. I congratulated myself, and went up into the lighthouse to look around for suicided corpses. To my surprise, I saw what looked like two boxes on the coast. "What the heck are those?" I said to myself (I talk to myself alot when I'm not with my buddies). I KNEW those weren't there before. I decided to go down and check it out. Turned out, these were both hacker-spawned ammo crates. One was empty, the other one had: Mk 48 Mod 0 w/ 6 mags 2 sandbags 2 cooked meat 1 full water bottle Coyote Pack full of food/water I was shocked to find this. Then shortly afterward, I saw someone in the Global Chat say "Who's the hacker going around killing people with horrid aim?" I saw this, and knew there was a hacker around somewhere, most likely close. I left anxiously, not wanting to lose these awesome items, but now I'm puzzled what to do. They are hacked into the game, so should I just cast them into the bowels of the ocean? Or steal them from the hackers?
  3. kingpootis102

    Looking to trade someone for my tent?

    All that for just a tent....
  4. kingpootis102

    Looking for 2-3 players for group

  5. kingpootis102

    Stay away from these guys

    *applause* Well done.
  6. kingpootis102

    Dear Bill Murray of US 1145.

    Oh hey, a thread apologizing for killing someone, turned into an argument about the difference between clips and magazines.
  7. kingpootis102


    This is why you use Steam chat/Skype/Mumble/whatever so you don't lose eachother.
  8. kingpootis102

    New player looking for people to play with

    Add me on Skype: allen.wall765
  9. kingpootis102

    "So you want hear a little story..."

    Haha, I remember the first time I got teleported by a hacker. He was like "Hey Man!" and I immediatly disconnected. When I came back a few hours later, there was a corpse with an M4A3 CCO and a PDW on it. I got really happy, but then I got telported again by the same guy..... and he killed me. I feel sorry for Harry though D:
  10. My current one runs DayZ at 15-20 FPS on the lowest possible settings, and since my birthday is coming up, I can get a new one. (Yeah, I made a thread earlier but didn't list my specs.) I currently have $311 to spend, so I suppose I can get a good one. Specs: Model: Inspiron 580 Processor: Intel® Core™ i3 CPU Installed Memory (RAM): 6.00 GB (5.80 GB usable) System Type: 64-bit Operating System OS: Windows 7
  11. Like the title says, what graphics card do you reccomend I get for DayZ? My birthday is coming up, so I can get a new one (currently DayZ is laggy as hell, even on the lowest graphics settings)
  12. Have fun having a hacker come into your camp in a heli/jet and nuking it... I'll laugh if that actually happens.
  13. kingpootis102

    Looking for a clan or squad.

    Added on skype
  14. kingpootis102

    GB #1337 Bandits/Hackers

    If you got kicked, then killed, then the bandit crew probably had an admin in their crew, that abused his powers to gain an advantage. (kicking you, then killing you)
  15. kingpootis102

    team up (noob)

    You connect via Skype/Steam/Teamspeak/etc.... and hope that he doesn't turn out to be a bandit.
  16. kingpootis102

    US 1053 just got hacked?

    The hacker invasion of 22 July....
  17. kingpootis102

    US378 Hacker

    GameFreak330 hacked on US378. What happened was, my friend and I were on top of a roof when my friend got sniped. I ran behind cover and Alt + F4'd. My friend attempted to run back to get his stuff, while I logged back on. I heard another gunshot and Alt + F4'd once again. When I came back again (my friend in the skype call said he could see a guy on the roof) I saw GameFreak330 with a spawned ammo crate and a ghille suit. At first he didn't notice me, so I unloaded a mag of AKM rounds on him, and he was still alive. He shot me dead with a Mk 48, then saw my friend from over 500 meters away, and killed him with the MK 48.
  18. kingpootis102

    US378 Hacker

    My friend got sniped right behind me, so I alt+F4'd. When I came back on and heard the shot, the particle effect and a bullet hole appeared next to me, so whoever that sniper was (not sure if it was him) had taken a shot at me.
  19. kingpootis102

    15 Day Survivor Looking for Party

    Added on steam
  20. I'm fairly new to this game, just joined it 2 days ago, and I'm happy to say that I love it. However, I find it quite difficult to survive solo, so I'm looking for someone to team up with. Steam: Killerdude765 Skype: allen.wall765
  21. kingpootis102

    Can you play Dayz with just Arma II: OA???

    Actually, all you need to do is get ARMA II Free on Steam and drag the required files for DayZ from that, into OA, there you go.
  22. kingpootis102

    Noob Questions

    Barbed wire has never hurt me, I always just climb over it.
  23. kingpootis102

    DayZ Just WILL NOT work.

    I've been trying to get DayZ working for a month now, but I can NEVER, EVER, get it working. Either - It says "Bad Version - server rejected connection" or "Connecting failed". If I manage to actually get in to the game, the tank loading screen gets stuck and the game crashes. I have tried COUNTLESS things, from BattlEye to reinstalling ARMA II...
  24. kingpootis102

    DayZ Just WILL NOT work.

    I have the latest ARMA II beta patch, and all my DayZ files are up to date.