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Everything posted by kingpootis102

  1. kingpootis102

    Helicopters and M107s...

    I emptied 4 AS50 NATO mags into a chopper once (it was formerly my chopper D:). Didn't go down. Next thing I know I hear a sqeaky kid and I'm teleported up right next to the chopper only to fall to my death. Ragequit from DayZ after this happened (took me a fucking week to fix that chopper...)
  2. Agreed. DayZ standalone will NOT be hack-free. Sure, there will be significantly less hackers, but it will NEVER be stopped completely.
  3. kingpootis102

    M4A1 HOLO or M4 CCO SD ?

    M4 CCO SD kicks. ass.
  4. kingpootis102


    For some reason it won't download through DayZcommander :( I already have Takistan on vanilla arma2, does that mean I don't have to download it?
  5. Chernarus. I'm having trouble downloading takistan through DayZcommander though :( if I already have it in ARMA2 do I need to download it?
  6. kingpootis102

    [VIDEO] DayZ Live Action Short Film

    Very nice.
  7. I'll look forward to seeing you again.
  8. kingpootis102

    Best in-game names when killed?

    Your Virginity was killed
  9. My friend and I have found a loaded bandit camp with gear, however we do not need any of this. In the camp there are about 7 tents loaded with gear, and a bus with some gear. The bus is fully repaired with about 1/4 tank of gas. Server: US1311 Coords: 047027 Have fun.
  10. kingpootis102

    Loaded Bandit Camp Coords!

    There were sandbags around the perimiter, but no bear traps (as far as we know)Bumped if there is anything left. It's a clan camp, the clan itself is infamous on that server, known for sniping Cherno/Elektro constantly.
  11. kingpootis102

    Loaded Bandit Camp Coords!

    ^All of my friends are offline, and I'm not on either. I guess the owners of the camp logged on (We had to kill one of them just to check it out) If you don't believe me that's fine as well.
  12. kingpootis102

    Best Game Ever

    You didn't take the M4A3 CCO off of that guy, and you didn't open any of their backpacks. Plus, Y U NO AIM DOWN THE SIGHTS? /sgtfoley Not to mention that is Cherno, and you only killed 3 guys.
  13. kingpootis102

    looking for friendlys to play with

    Added you on skype, you no respond.
  14. kingpootis102

    Faith in humanity? I'm not even SURE anymore! [2 vids]

    That guy had a bandit mask with the hero skin.... Dafuq?
  15. Joined a server, US 1252 to be exact. Spawned in at Elektro. Ran in and grabbed some loot. 5 minutes later, hacker kills everyone on the server. Join a different server - US 810. As soon as I spawn in, 4 ammo crates packed with guns on the coast. I take an m4a3 cco and run down the coast. I see a fresh spawn. Well, I'm a bandit so I shoot him. 2 minutes later he teleports back to me with an M249 SAW and grinds me down. Hackers have ruined this game. Fuck you DayZ.
  16. kingpootis102

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    I think the infected "Hunters" are the "hoppers" (aka the ones on all fours)
  17. kingpootis102

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    I hope artifacts really are fixed this time. Thanks Rocket!
  18. A teamspeak server would be nice. bumped
  19. kingpootis102

    Helicopter vs Helicopter WTF

    hahahaha nice.
  20. kingpootis102

    Camp Coords - US 1620 -=[AMAZING LOOT]=-

    Confirmed, this is legit.