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Everything posted by kingpootis102

  1. kingpootis102

    Very Strange Glitch in Namalsk

    It's happened to me too. It's funny, because the guy who shot me stayed around for 5-10 minutes and I was like "I can't die lololololo"..... and when he finally left, I aborted and logged back in, and I was fine. Hell yeah for glitch saving me. It seems to happen randomly.
  2. kingpootis102

    How to hide your tent like a pro

    That's why you write down the coordinates of your tents
  3. kingpootis102

    GB#500 New player banned?

    Some script kiddie came around cheating, then accused you as the cheater. Then a horrible admin banned you. Servers like that REALLY suck balls.
  4. kingpootis102

    Remove 24/7 Daylight servers.

    It's called DAY Z for a reason.
  5. kingpootis102

    Gore. Gore. WE NEED GORE!

    High caliber rifles should blow limbs off. Headshots with mainly any gun really, should cause heads to explode. My opinions.
  6. kingpootis102

    Real DayZ items

  7. ^LolTriplePost. Anyway, I'd be happy to help out. Skype: allen.wall765
  8. kingpootis102

    Terrible, TERRIBLE lag issues. Help!

    Some servers are really f-ed up and mess up your FPS for some reason (lower it constantly). Simply join a different server.
  9. kingpootis102

    Killed when joined server

    You probably got shot by someone as you were logging in to the server. Where did you last log off?
  10. Followed me around without saying a word, and then lagged out (he was unarmed and so was I)
  11. kingpootis102

    Newcomer LFG

    I'd be happy to join too. If you've got Skype, then add me, my Skype is allen.wall765
  12. kingpootis102

    is dayz worth getting

  13. kingpootis102

    Looking to Recruit 1 More

    Why so many requirements for only a group of a survivors? Sounds like a clan to me...
  14. kingpootis102

    What just happened?

    Y u no pick up on his sarcasm.
  15. I'm looking for a group of 2-3 people to play with. I've been playing DayZ for about a month now, so I know my way around. Will play on your servers/other maps with you. Oh yeah, and don't ask me to join your clan. Because I won't.
  16. The one thing I don't like though is the fire thing. Who said someone can't run around with a wood pile and matches, and when they get shot at, run to cover, place it down, and log out? The process of this^ is pretty slow though. General good idea.
  17. kingpootis102

    Squad brings down chopper without AS50

    It's not easy to take down a chopper even with an AS50. You have to line up the shots perfectly just to hit it. The only time it's "easy" to take down a chopper is when it's not moving.
  18. kingpootis102

    Random Airstrikes

    DayZ isn't L4D2.
  19. I'm looking for a group of 2-3 people to play with. I've been playing DayZ for about a month now, so I know my way around. Will play on your servers/other maps with you. Oh yeah, and don't ask me to join your clan. Because I won't. I'm just looking for a good old fashioned group of survivors.
  20. kingpootis102

    Partner needed

    ^lolwut I'd be happy to help. PM'd.
  21. Any humanity below 0 = bandit. Your humanity slowly regens back up to 2500, but until it reaches >0, you'll be a bandit. And no, dying doesn't reset it. IDK why people think it does.
  22. kingpootis102

    Are dogs worth 2 months of development time?

    What are dogs going to do, just bark and give away your position to other players? And you'll be comsuming double your food by feeding them. If I see one when they are released, I'll just shoot it.
  23. I get it every time I try to connect to a dayz server. I have reinstalled Arma twice, reinstalled DayZ using both dayzcommander and 6launcher over 5 times, and no matter what, I plain and simply get it as soon as I try to connect. I click "continue" puts me back in the main menu. I press Enter and it still does the same thing. I NEED HELP WITH THIS