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About Cambie

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Started out by logging on to a server where there was about 10 dead bodies on the shoreline and looted a M4A1 CCO SD due to a scripter teleporting everyone and killing everyone. Cool so from there started running to Elektro and changed server to meet up with a friend, 5 minutes after meeting up the whole server gets teleported onto an island and everyone cuts sick at eachother shooting... after the fire fight I start looting some bodies and find a G36C SD (Camo) So I survived and my friend didn't so ran back to Elektro again to meet up with him and bought him a G36C with me, as we reached Elektro we shot at by some guys with AS50's in the far tree line, both me and my friend flank around one to the left and one to the right. I set up behind the bandits waiting for them to shoot when my friend gets fired upon, I quickly run to the fight and see a guy in a ghillie standing up shooting my mate.. I quickly take him out when I hear another bandit shooting from my 9 o'clock. I have no idea where the shot came from until he opens fire again and I see the muzzle flash, I quickly take some action and eliminate him.. After looting there bodies we find some nice weapons obviously probably hacked in... AS50 TWS was the main one also "RGO frag Grenade..." http://img545.imageshack.us/img545/1765/120804230807.jpg Fun day!
  2. Cambie

    Helicopter Endgame!

    PARAGRAPHS WTF, wall of text much
  3. Cambie

    No Servers appearing on list

    Played fine then logged off shutdown game etc, went to play again got this Same problem, click Multiplayer get suck at "Receiving" and Arma 2 not responding... Let it wait abit finally im aloud to click, click filter list Arma 2 Not responding, and then no servers appear.
  4. Cambie

    LONG loading times on servers with 20+

    Been happening tonight to me on ALOT of servers, Black screen loading and I let it sit there for a good 10minutes and still doesn't load.
  5. Cambie

    Thanks for the ATV

    I was stuck on waiting for character to create today on my normal Aussie servers, so I tried to log into a US server and it worked instantly... So I hear this truck being driven up the hill and I go to investigate, it's some dude in a URAL trying to drive up a grass hill.. So I take him out with my DMR and steal the truck. I get to a good hiding place and look at the loot... GPS, NVG, Snipers, M240, belt clips for 240, satchel charges, ghille suits, ETC ETC the lot... So I steal what I want grab out the satchel charges and blow that truck to kingdom come, was quite epic
  6. Cambie

    1.7.2 camo clothing BUG

    Exactly the same thing happened to me, quite pissed odd
  7. So today I aborted prone in some bushes, an hour later logged on to find I was rolled back 2 mins from where I was aborted with no items/guns/backpack.... Nice, Anyone else get this?