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About NotTheFace

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. NotTheFace

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Hello, I'm trying to meet the requirements to join TMW. If anyone wants my help, I'm in the north west quadrant (though I'm willing to travel across the entire map if necessary). I can provide bloodpacks, morphine, painkillers and my spot on impression of a little girl crying when we're getting shot at. Feel free to pm me
  2. NotTheFace

    DO NOT USE - US 1019

    Happened to me and my buddy today. Suddenly every player on the server was teleported to the beach at Kamyshovo. There was a very brief wth-moment, and then everyone started shooting each other of course.
  3. NotTheFace

    Are you sure you want to respawn?

    Yeah, this is kinda of an obvious feature to include. That respawn button is awfully close to the options menu.
  4. NotTheFace

    Low res skins

    I'm not sure why they used the ghillie from BAF. It's identical to the Russian ghillie from ARMA2. They could have given players that skin instead of the awful low res ghillie skin from BAF lite. Maybe they did it to give players a little more incentive to buy the DLCs. (I own both DLCs already, but if this is the case I think it's somewhat in poor taste) Don't know about this backpack issue you guys are talking about, but backpacks aren't visible on ghillie skins so I don't know if this issue applies.