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Posts posted by 01ludedude

  1. Makes no sense.

    Let me clarify for those (hopefully no others) that can't figure out what I was trying to say while clearly typing in a hurry...

    If you had donated and/or subscribed (to at least know what was going to be happening with the servers) to this forum then maybe this wouldn't be an issue?

    Sorry that the 'd threw you for a loop... I'm even more sorry that common sense is so lacking these days that it's like having a super power.


    Bean Counter

  2. Wish I had known that before I logged on to it, because the second I logged off, I lost everything in my backpack, primary/secondary weapon, nv goggles and range finder.

    lol, like you can't hop onto a different server and acquire this stuff in a matter of hours anyways... the game hasn't (for almost two months) and won't get my attention until stand alone.

    if you'd donated and/or subscribed to this forum maybe this wouldn't be an issue?


    Bean Counter

  3. 870's current lag is outstanding. Everyone shows great ping but server map is currently non-playable...

    Must've been temporary, all good now... Strange as it loaded perfectly fine then would just crawl along like something was happening in game causing such a slow down.

    Ah well, cheating/duping/something is possible I guess.

    Fine now though...

    • Like 1

  4. Yesterday as I was racking up zombie kills, I realized that the debug window will someday disappear and with it the zombie kill count. This makes me sad, as killing zombies is a favorite pastime and losing track of the amount I have killed is devastating. So while thinking about this I decided that we need to be able to collect something from zombies and the first thing that came to mind was teeth, which got me thinking that teeth should be a lootable token from each zombie kill. If we can loot teeth from zombies, and keep them, when we die or someone kills us there will be a record of how many zombies you killed. But even better would be if people could loot them off your body and people start collecting large amounts of teeth, allowing them to become a commodity.

    While there is currently no trading in the game, teeth could become a currency, allowing people to 'mine' the world for teeth and trade them for loot with other players if there ever came a day when trading was provided in game. Additionally, groups like the Freeside Trading company would have a way for people to purchase goods from them, or sell goods to them.

    So how do we 'mine' teeth then? With pliers of course! If you have the pliers item, you can creep over to the corpses of slain zombies and extract a tooth, creating additional risk to get this item. Once a tooth is extracted it goes to your tool belt, so it doesn't take up real inventory space.

    Hold on there, this may be all well and good, but what about the bandits! Well they should be able to extract human teeth too, one per person. When you kill a bandit you will know because they have human teeth on them. Perhaps they wear the human teeth on a necklace around their neck to proudly show off their trophies. Maybe they hide them deep in their tool belt to avoid suspicion. Either way, they have verifiable proof of a murder. Maybe in order to prove your mettle to a bandit gang you need to get them 5 human teeth or perhaps they want 100 zombie teeth.

    Core Idea:

    1) Teeth should be lootable from players and zombies.

    2) Pliers should be added (or perhaps just require the toolbox) to facilitate the removal.

    3) Teeth become a commodity that may be used to trade or for role playing.

    Bump :thumbsup:

  5. US 870 will be down for a few minutes while I change some settings and get the ports unstuck. It's not coming back up on the default, so I have to do a little more work.

    EDIT: It's back up. Sorry for the short delay.

    So, I play on a few servers where vehicles coming back after a restart is a problem... Woke up this morning to the same (two vehicles gone). They were placed in remote locations and well hidden (one of which is a very small vehicle and pretty much impossible to spot ;) ) so I know both of them couldn't have been stumbled across since logging out last night (us 10). When would a next restart take place so I can get back in and enjoy the fruit of my labor?

    Thanks for any info you can provide.

    If only each server had a unique character so I could wander around elsewhere (say, us 870 ;) ) while I await a restart on 10.

  6. Required:

    * Server this happened on.

    US 10 Chicago

    * Time that it happened including your timezone.

    8:58 PM EST

    * What happened during the incident.

    I was in the forest west of Zelenogorsk and all of a sudden my legs break, I fall down and I lose quite a bit of blood. I heard no gunshots, and I had been scanning the area prior to this happening. This happened at the exact same time to my friend who was standing close to me.

    Just before this happened a guy named Security joined and there was lots of server messages saying that his files did not match the expected signature.

    I also was not moving.


    Another friend that was nearby logged in and there were lots of trees knocked down in the area.

    We have some screenshots of the entire top of the hill leveled which a friend will add later.

    This is what I logged in to see...






    • Like 1

  7. You still haven't answered the question about having so many rare weapons.

    I know you guys run the server, and from what I've seen during my stay, I'm not surprised you've been hacking (not to mention the various nukings that have happened).

    Secondly, don't even try to call us noobs. I found your camp within 20 minutes of joining your server for the first time, killed two of your men, took your two best vehicles (by myself). Went back later, took your remaining vehicles, killed 2-3 more of your incompetent members, and evaded you for 2 days, before giving up in boredom.

    US 5 blows dicks.

    First, we don't run the server, Alex Sykotix does (don't know his in game name (maybe admin?). Second, we aren't hacking. Third, I've yet to encounter a 'nuking' of the server but I've heard that it does happen. Fourth, stumbling across a camp by no means makes anyone a non-noob :) and we also don't have a 'camp' and multiple vehicles so that wasn't our stuff you took. Fifth, none of us died though there was an attempt on Valec (which failed). Evaded? Evaded what? Everything we're talking about happened in a single night, you're reality is blurred by some imaginary Chernarusville timezone.

    Also, if you think US 5 blows, GTFO.

  8. I've been gone the past week or so moving to a new apartment. When I get home today I'll be updating US 5 to the latest version, and implementing a few fixes that I've been testing in a closed environment.

    DayZ has grown from a measly 1000 concurrent players to over half a million concurrent players. With that the demand for cheats rises as well. As far as the remaining issues with hacking, hopefully we'll have more anti-cheat tools to work with once 1.61 comes out.

    Thanks Alex Sykotix!

    There's a few of us that were ready to throw in the towel on US 5 because of the beta not being up to date.

  9. I'm crying hack because you had two L85A2 TWSs. One from your white truck, and the other on your person.

    Also, how would you have known who was with me? US 5 doesn't show tags.

    There was only 2 of you with clan tags and one was killed.... obviously the other was you, and yes, i was there (well, headed south to there to back up my buddy who was telling me about this gunfight he was just in).

    This is what I shared with my buddies at 4am after the whole "our white pickup is gone?!?!" journey


    So there I was, wandering 90km back to the 4 wheeler......... fueled up and ready to go I decide it’s time to put this thing to rest as well as myself... upon dropping it off I can’t help but think “that damn white truck!”... so I set off in search all the while saying to myself, “noob gunfire + fallen comrad = NUBS!” So I set my coordinates south, on foot, to scour the western edge. I realize that a true noob will only go where he’s comfy and semi-familiar with the terrain (deep south!) from many a respawn. swaying back and forth on my route towards the coast I see a landmark, the barn just west of Myshinko and BOOM, it hit’s me. They logged about 8 minutes after the gunfight leaving them 1 man down (Valec was pleased) so I took that landmark (roughly that long a trip from the war zone with a bit of noob swerving along the way) and put myself in noob mode. If i was to leave a vehicle with limited resources to find it again what would I do.... Correct, I’d place something directly away from the road, from some landmark, either northwest, west, or southwest... Checking northwest from the barn, no go... Checking directly west of the barn, bollocks! If this shit doesn’t work it’s bedtime for me (probably wouldn’t have been)! Directly southwest of the barn I spot... no... could it be? is my heart racing for no real reason??? IT’S A WHITE MUTHA FLIPPIN PICKUP TRUCK!!! Noob sauce thoughts FTW!!! White pickup is back in our hands mates! By the time you read this, good morning ;)

  10. SPQG_Juba,

    The server has fairly regular restart times. I know there's usually one in the morning and one at around 9 cst...it changes but there is a warning...10 minutes, 5, 2, and 1.


    It seems we can't stop items from duping. What we're doing is unloading our inventory to a tent or a vehicle and then we'll log out or whatever for the night...the next time we log in it will still be in our inventory as well as whatever vehicle/tent we put it in. We are not trying to do this intentionally and in fact we found a GAZ that people had been using to dupe items (they were also disconnectors...) so we destroyed the GAZ so it can't be used for duping anymore. Our items often duplicate as well and the plan is to disperse some of the duplicates...any ideas why this keeps occurring?

    Not sure why, but this makes me laugh. You not only decided that other people were solely using a vehicle for duping (which you probably 'acquired' gear from yourself) but destroyed the vehicle? Yet, you yourself are saying that you can't stop the process from happening, which is currently correct for all as there are higher priorities for the programmers (hackers for example) so why don't you destroy your own equipment/duping means? :P

  11. So... I was in the church in Pustoshka (me and two friends) when we heard someone outside. I don't know the details of their deaths but I'll have them add to this post. At aprox 9:47pm est I was knelt behind one of the walls of the church able to lean enough to see part of the doorway. Fired a couple shots when 'ghillie guy' (as he'll be named) passed by the doorway (running straight by without entering). About 10 seconds later I was huddled back in the corner when I drop (able to view the entire content of the church during daylight hours).

