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Everything posted by MattTheBandit

  1. MattTheBandit

    Hacker report - UK 172

    alexhjelm you look fat as fuck.
  2. MattTheBandit

    Hacker report - UK 172

  3. I would sit back, play the game and chill out... but my name gets besmirched mostly by you with absolutely no evidence, you say i have logged in your server and hacked firstly with a GUID that isn't mine, then when i give you my GUID its suddenly now being used with the same IP that isn't mine again. used by the first GUID to cheat... yet you failed to bring this GUID and IP up in the first place? The problem is the GUID you have isn't mine and the IP you have isn't mine yet you still insist on saying its me and only putting forward my true GUID after i have told you it. On top of that you link this issue into petty digs at PsiSyndicate's channel which is just a cunt move and shows that there is no structure to this report nor the argument you have started over it. Aphex182 (po892s307b1159a234sd234ghd37c59ab5) - #69 "private ["_dummy"]; _dummy = [_this,"onload"] execVM "\MyScripts\We.sqf";" Reuben (312890r07b1159a234sd234ghd37c59ab5) - #41 "private ["_dummy"]; _dummy = [_this,"onload"] execVM "\MyScripts\Are.sqf";" Xecuter (234sd78s7b1159a234sd234ghd37c59ab5) - #32 "private ["_dummy"]; _dummy = [_this,"onload"] execVM "\MyScripts\Shit.sqf";" oh look, i can make logs too... time to post it everywhere cus it must be you guys!
  4. The fact that in his post, if you took any time to read, mentioned the guys steam.. and the evidence he posted was from that steam account.
  5. http://steamcommunit...d/MattTheBandit you are a mong
  6. TJ_Day you're a fucking idiot... you are the type of person that causes these posts plain and simple.. just go die.
  7. Fair enough, so you know gandalf the bandit is me but provide no logs? even though thats the name iv been under on ur server for over 24 hours... also swan try not to fall off buildings while following me, its bad for ur health. TJ_Day.... not everyone called Matt is me. Also swan what server is it that im supposed to be banned from?
  8. The only names i have logged on uk31 with is Matt the Bandit and Gandalf the bandit (bit derp u havnt figured out it was me). inb4 magical new logs appear. I might also add that isnt my IP so feel free to ban it (im still playing uk31 as we speak). http://www.myiptest....xhf7n&show_ip=1 Ontop of that i havnt played with lewis on UK31 apart from as Gandalf the Bandit last night recording a part of Mythbusters.
  9. Pimpinsmurf are you too retarded to read the posts on page 1?
  10. Age has nothing to do with it, you have put up multiple posts accusing me of hacking (if not the majority of the posts about it on this forum) with absolutely 0 proof every single time. How about get some proof and stop spouting shit on this forum making yourself sound retarded and your server sound like shit. I might just add that i lied about not coming back to UK31 and the hacked in m14's backpacks and gear that Wolf (hesh) and mark (walker) are walking around elektro with... are a rather nice addition to my char.
  11. I'm not putting my ip address on this forum for people to fuck with. post whatever ip's you say i have been using i dont give a shit as they clearly aren't mine. Ontop of that i keep my name the same as its always been because thats my name... funnily enough people call me by it. You have logs of "my" guid,ip and script logs ... fair enough... post them.... and plz everyone that cares ban the ip's and guid's... and when i log on your server dont fucking ban me again for no reason (not that i will be logging on uk31 any time soon) I dont need to explain how retarded saying "You do us a favour kidda, fuck off and take ya bloody numpty DC'ing m8 with ya!!!!!!!" makes you sound. and i found it by searching the forums for "matt the bandit" funnily enough... check the first post you mong.
  12. You clearly know everything about this situation. Yeah im totally the same guy. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/user/66510-markthebandit/ http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/user/18935-matt-the-bandit/ http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/user/44222-mattthebandit/ oh look.. not the same fucking people dickhead. Your geography is fucking terrible too... Essex and East Sussex are not the same fucking county. Maybe at the age of "23" you should go back to school and get some GCSE's... not even talking about A levels... get dunked. don't even bother replying. Also scoundrel.. u call me suspect for having the same name as someone that hacks... yet you spend 99% of ur time on this forum reading and replying to the cheat forums... HMMM... tl;dr dont post about a subject you have no fucking clue about.
  13. Patrick Swayze for confirmed retard. read up my past posts then comment.
  14. So, you kick and ban me from UK31... would you like to post the reason why and what guid u just banned?
  15. Completely overlooked that comment. Yeah I totally play with lewis all the time... even though I only just stumbled into him during a stream pre series 11...
  16. Oh look im on uk31 right now, My GUID: 9c8d1caf83c5130a39c60434e12f5be8
  17. MattTheBandit

    Hacker on UK31 (Matt The Bandit)

    You will get my guid in the morning... yet it was mid day when u posted... and you want me to send you my guid before you post the guid that you think is me? seems legit.
  18. MattTheBandit

    Hacker on UK31 (Matt The Bandit)

    As i said, tell me the guid you banned... because every server says they have banned MY guid when evidently... they have not.
  19. MattTheBandit

    Hacker on UK31 (Matt The Bandit)

    Not to mention I havnt even been on UK31 in the last week at least. I see that you're the admin of UK31 too, any chance you could throw up the logs with the name + guid on it?
  20. If you have a gun id lay in wait at a high traffic area and gun someone down for food. Hey, I'm a bandit... what can i say?
  21. MattTheBandit

    NY7 / NY8 - Hacking known and permitted

    Its evident a good 30% of the NY7/8 community cheats in one way or another, and thats without mentioning the other 70% that combat log. I just accepted that fact when I played on the server. however by choice I now don't play on the server after being banned by one of the admins for killing the "squiggly clan" fucks and seeing that they were using scripted weapons (AKS 74 goshawk). Even though the bans been lifted I don't intend on coming back to the server in the state its in. however, Kyriel add me on steam and we should play at some point seeing as you were the only decent clan I met on that server. Just search Matt the Bandit on steam.
  22. MattTheBandit

    Hacking / Cheating to make youtube videos

    We mention that I cant go on the forums without being accused of being the same guy, this sort of proves that fact lol. In a game where people can be bandits I don't think its uncommon to find someone with the name The Bandit. You go on youtube and type in "Dayz the bandit" and the first thing that comes up is someone called Felix The Bandit... At the end of the day Lewis didn't record the 7-8 hours of gameplay that lead up to this series because he was waiting on a 5th member that didn't end up coming on. If he had of come on we were all going to respawn and start a fresh anyway. So we just shot from where we were to show the audience highish end gameplay. Albeit dysfunctional gameplay :P
  23. MattTheBandit

    Difference between SD and Non-SD bullets...

    You can shoot normal ammo through a silenced gun 99% of the time IRL. Some specific guns are made for use with subsonic ammo through a fixed silencer and will malfunction without it.