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Everything posted by Occulus

  1. Occulus

    still having trouble getting into DayZ

    join my club, day 9 and ive gotten all those errors youve posted and still no Dayz for me. I even went and bought a brand new copy of the game, did not help me in the slightest.
  2. *Which version of the game did you purchase? STEAM or RETAIL or MIXED: Retail original from amazon.com OA from steam *Are you running an Arma 2 OA beta patch? If so what version?: I am running version 94700 *Which method are you using to launch the game? I.E Sixupdater/steam/batch file: sixupdater *What is the Error/Problem you're having? Please provide screenshots if possible: I have all of the errors, everytime i reinstall the game i get all the erros listed in these forums. So now im out of ideas and i dont know what to do next. *Your PC specs: Amd Athelon ™ 2 x3 455 Processor 3.30 GHz 8 GB Ram AMD Radeon HD 6670 *Your Operating System: Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit *Have you looked at these threads?: http://dayzmod.com/f...d.php?tid=18588 Yes ive been trying to play this game for about 8 days now, ive gotten every error posted in the forums to date, ive done every suggested fix, i have installed and reinstalled over 20 times already. I have watched quite a few youtube installation videos as well Just recently i trying installing onto a different computer and i get the exact same errors all over again.
  3. *Which version of the game did you purchase? STEAM or RETAIL or MIXED: I have a mixed of arma 2 from amazon.com, and arma 2 OA from steam. *Are you running an Arma 2 OA beta patch? If so what version?: honostly ive been at this for about 5 days trying to get this game to work and ive seen so many patch numbers its not funny these are all the number ive been seeing. six-Launcher: OA version: 1.60.87580 ARMA 2 original: 1.06.70710 OA patch (from the arma2 website): patch 1.60 *Which method are you using to launch the game? I.E Sixupdater/steam/batch file: I am have trid 3 different methods both do not work for me: 1) Sixupdater 2)Arma launcher 3)Steam *What is the Error/Problem you're having? Please provide screenshots if possible: The problems i am having range from bad serial to missing keys or i must delete some keys. i am also missing some arma2 CA addon. *Your PC specs: Processor: AMD Athlon 455 Processer 3.30 GHz (Tri-Core) Ram: 8.0 GB System Type: 64 Bit AMD Radeon HD 6670 *Your Operating System: Windows 7 Home Premium 64 Bit *Have you looked at these threads?: I have looked at so many threads till well after 2 AM starting at 8 AM in the morning for the past 5 days. I have watched more youtube installation guides than i care to count. I have already sent in a troubleshoot report and got a reply to watch 2 videos. The videos gave a better understanding of what i need to do, but the technical parts are not working for me. My guess is when i have to direct the launcher to .exe file, the .exe file does not exist. But when i look for it without using the launcher pointer i can find it no problem. Regarding the bad serial problem, i have ran everything that has to do with running this game in admin after restarting my system after i started the games for the first time before installing a single thing after installing the games.
  4. i bought both, im going to try and buy the steam version of the original arma2
  5. yeah didnt work, i got the error that gives me a list of addons in my file directory with arma2 original in it with the note "are not signed by the key acceped by this server. to play on this server, remove listed files or install additonal keys.
  6. Ill start from the beginning from day one. day one: i get an error saying that certain keys were not signed and need to either be signed or deleted day two: i get the bad serial error day three: i get the unable to load 3d driver day four: unable to install beta patch from website because i keep getting asked to log into the arma2 servers day five: i get bad serial again day six: stuck at waiting for host screen with a picture of some sand colored tanks, had to ctr-alt-del out day seven: i get the idea to try and install on a computer with better specs than my main computer, i get the bad signed keys error day eight: i get the bad signed keys error back on my main computer so i decide to do what it says and i delete them while noticing that the exact same keys i am singed have a double that says .bisigned next to each one, and than i get a new error saying "bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/citizen1.scope" note every single one of these errors has been the cause of me either getting immediately kicked from any server i try to join. And i have reinstalled everytime i got a new error. It also takes me about 7-8 hours to reinstall each time, and that is the reason why its day by day
  7. *Which version of the game did you purchase? STEAM or RETAIL or MIXED: Retail original from amazon.com OA from steam *Are you running an Arma 2 OA beta patch? If so what version?: I am running version 94700 *Which method are you using to launch the game? I.E Sixupdater/steam/batch file: sixupdater *What is the Error/Problem you're having? Please provide screenshots if possible: Kicked off server with the notice as follows: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Citizen1.scope'. *Your PC specs: Amd Athelon ™ 2 x3 455 Processor 3.30 GHz 8 GB Ram AMD Radeon HD 6670 *Your Operating System: Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit *Have you looked at these threads?: http://dayzmod.com/f...d.php?tid=18588 Yes ive been trying to play this game for about 8 days now, ive gotten every error posted in the forums to date, ive done every suggested fix, i have installed and reinstalled over 20 times already. I have watched quite a few youtube installation videos as well Just recently i trying installing onto a different computer and i get the exact same errors all over again.
  8. Ok, did all you said finally i guess OA was missing some things took a while, but now i have a bad serial number.
  9. Quick question i pointed the isx updater to my dayz mod, my original arma2 file and my OA file. Should i take those off, or are they ok the way they are?
  10. Just curious, but did you buy both arma2 games from steam, or is one of them from somewhere else?
  11. For the keys issue, i just created a new folder on my desktop and name it removed Dayz files and i went to the location the error says and removed each of those files and put em into the new folder i created, but now i get the scope no entry notification, hopefully someone who can help us does shortly.
  12. I have almost the same problem, except mine says No Entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Citizen1.scope'.
  13. I have finally given up on trying to install this mod for now. I have tried over and over many methods in these forums and from watching youtube install videos. Hopefully when i try to install again maybe in a month or so, all of the bugs will be gone.
  14. im thinking i shouldnt have bought arma2 on amazon and than bought OR on steam, i pointed the launcher to both but my guess is that the launcher isnt reading one of the game, probably why when i try to enter a server i have so many keys missing.
  15. at this point, i am getting an in server error saying i am either missing certain keys or i need to delete certain keys after it gives me a huge list of file locations on my computer.
  16. ok when you say run both programs once how far into the games do you get? like to the main menu than exit? or do you actually need to play the game a few lvls?
  17. yeah renaki, ive done that entire list about 20 or so times (i dont know how many exactly i stopped counting at 13). And for ever error or other reason someone has posted on this forum for not being able to play, ive gotten.
  18. Occulus

    other options

    *Which version of the game did you purchase? STEAM or RETAIL or MIXED: Arma2 via amazon.com and arma2 AO via steam *Are you running an Arma 2 OA beta patch? If so what version?: That is my latest problem......i cannot download the patch because the website to do is preventing me from getting the download because of: 1) i get disconnected from server 2) i get asked for password and username for the server access an dthan i get disconnected 3)the website timesout *Which method are you using to launch the game? I.E Sixupdater/steam/batch file: sixupdater *What is the Error/Problem you're having? Please provide screenshots if possible: I have been trying to get this mod running for 6 days now, one different error after another or the same one over and over, I am now looking for help from the actual team to just do it for me somehow, because if i cannot get this started i am going to cut my losses and consider this a waste of $45. *Your PC specs: AMD Athelon x3 455 Processor 3.30 GHz 8 GB ram 64-bit operation system AMD Radeon HD 6670 *Your Operating System: 64-bit Windows 7 Home Premium *Have you looked at these threads?: So many threads, so many posts, so many website, many, many, many youtube videos....installation of this mod is just happening with conventional means and/or the usual method. Any help out of the norm would be highly appreciated, i have been wanting to play this for a long time now. What i am basically asking for help with is a way for someone to go through the installation process with me step-by-step and troubleshoot any errors as they happen.
  19. I am currently trying to download the latest beta patch from the arma2 website. But when i click on the link the website either times out, i get asked for a username and password to access the server, or the entire connection to the website disconnects alltogether.
  20. Ok i got al the way through except now i have an error that says, "No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Citizen1.scope'." and error"bin\config.bin/Cfg Weapons/G36_C_SD_eotech/Burst/:Cannot find base class 'Burst'"
  21. Ok i think im missing something here. I used your link went to the six-updater site to try and find out how to get the logfiles, but im not finding where and how to get them. I will cehck how to get the rpt ones. If i cant find out how to get the logfiles ill only be able to sent the rpt ones if i can get those ones. Ok so i found the RPT files, but cant figure out how to post em here.
  22. How do i get you those log files you need? where to get them, and how to post them?
  23. Would my problems also be solved if i just bought the steam version of arma 2 original, because from what im seeing most of my problems are coming from sixupdater not being able to read the amazon version.
  24. Per the reply i have gotten, i went to the FAQ on the sixupdater site and i went through and found that have to delete the beta file in the expansion file of the arma 2 OA and than unclick the launch with beta update file. I think i got closer this time because now i get a different error. Now it is saying "Error creating Direct3D 9 Graphical engine" I tried installing the newest patch from the arma2 website it took quite a long time to get it installed about 1 hour and a half or so, and after waiting that long i get a major let down when it says my computer could not read the zip file from the patch and dumped the whole thing. Now i dont know what to do, from the spec 4's post i should reinstall everything again and that takes at the minimum 5 hours to do and will be my 13+ try doing this. Is there anything i can do to get around doing this?