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About IcEy

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    On the Coast
  1. Yeah you're gonna have to talk to them if you wanna get unbanned, and yes they are "sketchy". Our whole raiding group got banned from there server because we raided there camp and took there shit. There justification was that we were combat logging (we werent). Still have never been shown proof of it
  2. IcEy

    Reloading the Guns on the Heli

    Bump, was also wondering this
  3. IcEy

    Friends with two different server lists

    Yep, me and a friend are having the same problem, we gave up.
  4. idk, but the guns shit. I shot someone point blank in front of me twice in the chest with a 2 slugs, and he didnt die, he killed me with his AK, and he bled out about 3 sec after i died. Kinda retarded, he shoulda went down the first shot, before he returned fire.. =\
  5. IcEy


    OP, there is a way to play on "private" servers with there own databases, but I will not tell you how. Why? Because ff you can not figure out how to do it yourself, you do not deserve to play that way. And as well as I do not think rocket would approve. l2google I actually torrented the game first, and thoroughly enjoyed playing the "cracked" way. And then i bought it so i could play on normal servers. So, he could be telling the truth if he likes the game enough. I also like how everyone is getting all pissy at the guy, although he is an idiot for asking the forums this, do not sit there and act as if you've never illegally downloaded something, whether music or a game. When it came to this game, I wanted to buy it and support BI, and I'd be so bold as to say I would pay a small fee to play DayZ as it's a fun mod for the game. Please, get off your high horse people.
  6. IcEy

    Desolation is looking for a few good men.

    Been talking to the guys in TS, pretty chill guys. People should def check Desolation out.