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    On the Coast

    Darwin List: Banned Users

    Some people, like me, not cheating. They are pick up dead cheater's weapon and that makes them a sign of a ban sentence. (without any early or later warning)

    Darwin List: Banned Users

    I realized, this is demonstrative "hanging" without any warn or investigation, to reduce cheating. Well, Hitler approves.

    Darwin List: Banned Users

    Someone give me a link to DayZ in-game rules please, I can't find it.

    Darwin List: Banned Users

    Hello. I found my name in banlist. Let me explain this. Few day ago I played on server Chicago 2 and there are appeared some cheater, he was invisible and shot with M134 machinegun, he killed me and some other players too. But fire effect of MG was visible and I can take off him with Makarov (seen some blood splashes). Then I come closer and appears an icon of open gear, I open it and see many vehicle's weapons - horn, M134, GAU-8, etc. I took M134, GAU-8 and GAU-12 and leave server (bacause there are was 0 zombies on debug monitor) and go to some another server, can't remember which one, and shoot about 20-30 zombies, but no players. Then I getting bored of this and continiue played as usual, that weapons is still in my inventory, but I can't drop it because they are was not in gear list, so later I get killed with bandit and lose this stuff. Since I get this weapons not with cheating way and not interrupted someone's game, I ask to remove a ban and give me just one more chance, I promise to playing fairly. P.S.: Sorry, I do not know very well English.