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Everything posted by Oracle314

  1. Hey admins/server admins I would like to ask a question or so and perhaps ask for help. My friend and I are wanting to host an event for charity wherein I hunt his squad down with my squad and vice versa. Essentially we'd like to have only us on a server so that there isn't interruption by hackers/other players. (As hypocritical as it sounds) We'd just rather not have other players. We're hoping to have two streams running, one of my squad and one of his. Now I don't have any posts but that is because I lurk a lot but I'd really like to see this hit it off. There is a reddit link for the rules/what's happening about it and I'm not sure if I can post it here, so I wont Basically I would like to lock a server or have a server locked. To make sure that no one keeps unlegit gear we're going to commit suicide at the end of it. If an admin can host a server for us that would be lovely/ Get permission to host our own server for this period of time Thanks guys Oracle.
  2. Oracle314

    Wanting to do an event for charity

    If an admin can host a server for us that would be lovely/ Get permission to host our own server for this period of time
  3. Oracle314

    Wanting to do an event for charity

    We've been told to just go private hive which is an option but we don't have anyone to host as the person who usually hosts minecraft,terraria etc servers is currently sleeping or maybe be busy. We'd like to do it in about 6 hours or even 24 hours from now. It's all sort of in the balance. If you can host any communication with myself would be appreciated ^^
  4. Oracle314

    Wanting to do an event for charity

    This is a good idea, yet I'd rather have it on DayZ. It's something that we're familiar with and play sort of commonly. We all enjoy the mod and It just seems to be simpler for us. If you have any mods in mind thought that could be suggested It'd be great!
  5. well we "won" Robocop uninstalled DayZ and is shutting down the server. Goodjob Yeti's? :D
  6. I was playing with friends, we were camp hunting. Then this message popped up saying I had a hacked gun. It's not a global ban which is really weird. I think it could be because I was messing around in a private server on arma with a similar gun to this??? Really like this server, runs smoothly and we have vehicles on it so I would rather not leave it. Thanks in advance. Picture - http://imgur.com/LfkZt
  7. Oracle314

    Banned on US 546 for hacked gun?

    Hm, odd. Mine didn't have a silencer on it. It fired normal Stanag rounds on it. Oh well. My camp would've been raided on that server now so No point in pursuing this further unless I'm going to get globabled which would suck but It would be really annoying.
  8. Oracle314

    Banned on US 546 for hacked gun?

    Thanks for the response. I was using the name Shaun when I was on your server, No? If this is the case, is there a possibility I was mixed up, because I had no sniper rifle on me and had an M4 Holo M203, not the Thermal M4? I picked up the M4 Holo from a player that I killed.
  9. Oracle314

    Banned on US 546 for hacked gun?

    Sorry. :/ Server : US 546 Time Zone: Eastern Standard Time (EST) +1000 UT Date/time: 29/07 1pm. What happened: I was playing with friends, we were camp hunting. Then this message popped up saying I had a hacked gun Evidence/Proof: http://imgur.com/LfkZt
  10. Oracle314

    Banned on US 546 for hacked gun?

    My friend made a private server so we could play a mission that he made. =\
  11. Bullshit that i can survive for more than a week? honestly plox gtfo. You have brought nothing but terrible accusations into this thread, all of which are easily dis-proven and are ignoring the fact they are breaking rules Goodjob buddy. ^^
  13. One again, "forever alone"? Please go back to 9gag. <3 Show your maturity again dude oh right, you're that girl whos always moaning in the ts. It's honestly pathetic. Honestly, you show absolutely no evidence for your server to be banned and black listed It's really only a matter of time now. You're getting out-sourced and out thought by a fourteen year old. Grow up.
  14. Honestly, you back up all your statements with broken english, poorly thought out sentences and terrible overall coherency. You are calling other people morons because they can get better gear than you? No one said that they could get this gear in an hour, but it is honestly not that hard when you have a group to work with you aswell. Don't quote zealot saying "I can get a full kit set" as proof that someone said this. This means hatchet+ other tools, decent prim, decent secondary. Now, first of all, this was not a random server hop, I got into the server for one reason, that reason being "I'ma blow this bus up" I listened to their teamspeak for a bit and then decided it was time to act. I would go get you the recording of me logging in and saying Day 8 - Airfield if you want but their really is no point, you would probably say it was edited or some shit. These guys are known admin abusers, there has been more than one thread about it, even linking to OTHER communities saying that their leader, robocop abuses on all of their servers. Furthermore, the first time that we killed them they went digging for Zealots Facebook profile, sorry if you don't understand, they went looking for personal information, on the internet, over a game. Sorry they lose all credibility for anything about that, It's downright disgusting behaviour to have. Moving onwards, if you go look at the youtube comments you will see one "xtgmalinky" raging like a child that was refused their candy, Once again showing their immaturity. Now lets get onto the next topic. Sure they reserve the right to lock/ban us out of their teamspeak, but as said here by Rocket you CAN NOT lock servers or ban people from the servers unless they are hacking/acting maliciously. Please note: this post is meant for the 5% of server owners who are being dicks, not the 95% who are awesome. Kicking of Players for Clan members: This has been requested. While we do want to have some "reserved slots" this effectively requires either a lot of scripting or changes to the base game code. It is something that is being worked on but it is not finished Originally we trialed allowing servers to kick out players who had either donated money or were clan members of the owner, to allow space for someone else. Abuse of this became RAMPANT. Server owners need to start wising up. We are only processing about 20 to 30% of server requests for hosting due to the massive volume of offers. The clan servers need to realize they cannot just do whatever they feel like because their actions affect the rest of the game and the servers. Think about it, if we let server owners do this, what is stopping them from kicking someone who just killed them? What is to stop them kicking people for arbitrary reasons? Who polices this? The policy is in place because it makes sense. So after all this, the only thing left to address is you calling Zealot a hacker. Well.. Guess what, thats me playing I can confirm that there is no hacking in yeti bro's and absolutely no duping. We have started a thread already about this particular clan/community and it got a lot of attention. Why would we make another, especially if we're hacking ourselves? Oh, those poor admins putting up with so much shit. Thats bullshit I know admins and they don't flip out when shit goes wrong, or when they die, or when one of their vehicles is blown up. It's a fucking joke that these people are given any sympathy from the community. We infiltrated the teamspeak for fun, you might say "Oh well you have no life" fuck off, we all play games what sort of contradiction is that? You are reading this post right now when you could be out doing something thats related to your "irl" social life, but you're not. Does that make you a no life? No it means that you play video games and are interesting in seeing the game become better. We infiltrated their teamspeak to send them a message, shortly after they locked all of their rooms, banned numerous innocent people from their teamspeak and had the biggest rage I have ever seen. I leave you with this, if I go host a server and lock it then go to another server and PvP that is called CHEATING. I don't understand why this particular community with such a background of admin abuse is still having their server running when it is so easily proven that they are doing things against the TOS Your friendly yeti bro Oracle.
  15. You are aware that you're pulling these statistics out of your ass? Are you really that bad that you can't just hit heli crashes and fucking NW airfield raids? You're terrible and are just angry. How are these people innocent? There is proof in the video that they lock the server and rocket has stated multiple times that this is not allowed.