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About radosm

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior

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  1. Hmm, I am curious... Would this fix actually work in ArmA as well ? If it does , BI is gonna be celebrating :P
  2. radosm

    I feel like I'm a drug addict.

    the next patch version is 925.
  3. If you log out while handcuffed , you die.
  4. radosm

    Game updated to 0.30.113925

    No use tho , there aren't any servers running the new version yet.
  5. radosm

    Game updated to 0.30.113925

    You did not get the update ? Enter the game and look at the version , it might have updated while you weren't looking.
  6. radosm

    Game updated to 0.30.113925

    If it truly is the same patch then why change the numbers ?
  7. radosm

    Game updated to 0.30.113925

    That version is 113918, mine is 113925
  8. radosm

    Game updated to 0.30.113925

    Yea I am. This is the new version for the experimental servers but I can't find the change log . Hopefully it will come out soon.
  9. radosm

    Game updated to 0.30.113925

    That is 113860
  10. So steam just updated my game to version 0.30.113925, but i can't seem to find the changelog. Anyone have it ?
  11. Well perhaps the message should appear after a given time , like 5 minutes or so. If you get shot and bleed for 5 minutes straight you are dead anyways.
  12. I had an idea. What if when you fall unconscious or die you do not get the message that states that. Instead you are left in a black screen. The reason why i'm suggesting this is because if I or anybody else from my squad get shot, they will immediately tell me if they are dead or not so that i know if I have to save em or not. It would be much better if during a firefight I don't know if my friend is dead or unconscious so that I have to act immediately and try an save him if possible. It would add a lot of tension and would go great with an ability to drag bodies. I apologize if some parts of this text do not make sense , English is not my native language .
  13. radosm

    Suggestion for new city

    Yea but they also said that they will try and make traveling to other islands possible. One of the islands could have this city on it .
  14. radosm

    Suggestion for new city

    You would not spawn in the city because surviving in it without any gear would be nearly impossible. Thats what the radiation and toxic gas could do , they would essentially isolate the players with no gear from the players with the best gear. This would probably make most of the guys who are currently sniping Cherno and Electro move to this city seeing as most of the people who actually survive in there are very good geared players.
  15. radosm

    Suggestion for new city

    I like the idea, although I believe the city would need to be even bigger, to add to the fear of getting killed at every corner. Also, adding secret government laboratories that are under the city would be cool. You would have to go through underground tunnels and seeing as there is no light it would be really freaky, and if they added some new monsters that live inside those tunnels, I would shit my pants :P