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Everything posted by aquilez

  1. aquilez

    Don't Let The Bandits Change You

    Cry moar you baby. Just putting that there because eventually someone else will. If everyone played like you described, this would be my dream game. Since there are no real lasting consequence to dieing, stuff like you mentioned wont happen. Now if there was a severe death penalty and much less ammo in the world... As well as some way to prevent server hopping so much (Which is probably already in the works but can't be added in because of the server problems), then the game community will change. The best way to survive in this game like I tell many people, is to shoot anyone that is going to cause you problems and is not grouped up.
  2. I believe the bandit system is perfectly fine. It'll be even better when the skin is removed. The main problem is that this is a game. You don't have to worry about your risking your life to kill someone. A reward for survivors who help other survivors by patching them up and sharing ammo would be much better than punishing bandits who kill everyone on sight. I am a bandit. Every single person I see who is in my way or could possibly cause me problems, is going to die. There are rare occasions where a survivor may salute me while I have my bandit skin on and I decide to let him live because of his complete trust in a random bandit. I have been betrayed many times when I tried to work together with a survivor and that has led me to become a soulless murderer. I have never survived as long as I have now. The only people whom I'm not out to kill are buddies on Teamspeak with me. Death to me is not much a problem because I could just go to one of the big cities and loot the place of supplies, grab military weapons by Stary, then go do what I usually do.
  3. Doesn't matter what sort of group your team is, I just want to work together with someone that I don't have to be paranoid about. I suggest adding me through here because Steam won't be able to find my name. https://steamcommunity.com/r3dsm0ke/ Steam: r3dsm0ke