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Everything posted by aquilez

  1. aquilez

    have u seen stupid players

    He was talking about how zombies can swim in the sea. Can you guys even read English?
  2. aquilez

    A hunt gone bad

    But what happened to Cinderella?
  3. aquilez

    DayZ equals Sociopath's/assholes

    You sound like an awesome guy to do a video with.
  4. aquilez

    I hit the JACKPOT!

    You should have stayed in the back seat of one of the vehicles. In a hidden spot. When they start driving off with you, say something in direct channel voice chat.
  5. If you're in a clan, they will probably dupe one for you. The legit way is to find crashed helicopters or camp the barracks at the NW airfield. To do that, you need friends.
  6. record this on video next time. It sounds like a very interesting way to play the game.
  7. http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/23582094 I've never seen a tank before in Dayz so let me know if it is possible for the game to spawn one.
  8. aquilez

    Someone in a tank on Ustream

    They managed to flip the tank somehow but if you go before the 24 minute marker, you'll see them in the tank.
  9. aquilez

    Why do you murder?

    Because it's easy.
  10. I like the story but having four guys be that stupid with LMGs is kind of a stretch.
  11. aquilez

    Where are all the vehicles????

    Yes they save off map. But to find vehicles, use a vehicle spawn point map posted on these forums somewhere. I use my own but that map is a pretty good guide.
  12. aquilez

    I didn't kill a guy today

    If people try to shoot back, I'm sure 50% of those encounters would favor them and the bandit would die, especially considering he missed. Just too many pussies.
  13. aquilez

    How to develop trust?

    Trust? What's that?
  14. aquilez

    This is why survivors get killed so much!

    It was pretty funny what he said but the kills were nothing to brag about.
  15. I like these posts :) Makes me feel good inside knowing that possibly somebody who disconnected in my sights is getting killed on another server.
  16. aquilez

    Well this sucks...

    Camp the barracks and shoot em when they come in.
  17. I tried this once. I recorded it on video too but for some reason, Youtube refuses to upload it. Anyways, it didn't turn out so well for me. It was pretty hilarious for friends but I died pretty damn quickly. My methods were not exactly great though... You see, I'm a pretty damn impatient person. Sitting near a city waiting for somebody to get hurt while keeping myself alive, is just going to take too long. I actively looked for survivors around the city like I was going to hunt them. Found a guy exiting out of Cherno, bleeding, and immediately ran after him. Didn't care about the zombies behind me. I wanted to heal one person NOW and be done with this. By the way, to make myself look a little more friendly, I gave my primary gun to a friend. When I finally caught up to him I wanted to let him know I was friendly. I said "Bandages! Bandages! I have some, stop moving!" He didn't stop so I kept repeating stuff like that over and over until I eventually got sick of running and threw a grenade at him. It wasn't supposed to hit him, but it did. If you want to give this medic thing another try, I'll join you.
  18. Shot at a group of players trying to get a new guy on their TS in the game using direct channel voice chat. As soon as they started saying the address I shot and killed what I thought was the "new guy". He bled out while the two friends proceeded to split up and try to flank me up the hill, oh and cuss like a sailor towards me. The thing is, I was prepared to die considering my AK only had 9 bullets and they were spent on the new guy. I never used a revolver to kill someone before but I somehow managed to kill one flanker with two shots, and then the third fired at me with an AK from down hill. I ran up hill away from him, got behind a tree, leaned to one side, and took his legs out. The zombies did the rest. I was never more satisfied with a bandit kill.
  19. Why can't we just eliminate the barrack gun spawns all together? Spread out the more powerful weapons in much more populated areas like in the coastal towns. Don't confine the guns in specific buildings.
  20. Was just going to post something like this. If you don't want to risk yourself by talking to them in person, think of creative ways of killing or scaring them. Usually I kill everyone with an automatic gun on sight and anyone else with a pistol or nothing, I have some fun with.
  21. Wow, that sounds like an awesome experience.
  22. aquilez

    Got killed COD style

    Uhh? What would you prefer him to do? Actually, what wouldn't be "CoD style"?
  23. Me and my clan mates just got into this server a couple hours ago and just this past hour we started receiving kicks for all of us, one by one. We haven't killed anyone wrongly (If that's even possible), nor DC after getting shot at. Actually, the only real person we came across was killed back in Cherno in a church. He didn't have anything on him but we killed him anyways. From there we went north in a vehicle we repaired and started looting towns like anyone else would. We probably got individually kicked 4-5 times all together until later when we got banned from the server. The thing is, no response was given to us regarding why we were kicked so many times. =HOG= members were present during all this and even the admin was as well. What really is frustrating was we worked a lot for a certain vehicle that we found on this server and no where else and we get banned... This would frustrate ANYONE. I thought this was a server issue first but after the fourth kick something was strange especially considering the admin was on. My clan mate mentioned that other players with clan tags were also getting kicked but I can't vouch for that because I didn't see it myself. This happened June 21st, around 6-7 PM EST.