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Silent observer

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About Silent observer

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    Woodland Warrior

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  1. Silent observer

    ALT F4 Survey

    i would also like to see something implimented to where if you kill someone and they DC, their body stays for a certian amount of time instead of disapearing .. I think if you kill a guy no matter what, the body should stay for a while unless its hidden by another player
  2. Silent observer

    Spawn next to friends???

    again it might be part of the experience for you, but its an annoyance for others. Fact is, it doesnt hurt anyone for newly created characters to spawn together if they want to. You might find running 20 minutes to find your newly spawned friend fun, but others dont finding survivors and finding friends are two different things in this game, Finding survivors wouldnt change much at all. You would still find them. Some people like to lone wolf, some people like to play with friends, why not have both? gotta love this, just cause i said something about having to go get gear again you had to make that comment. as for your other comment, how would newly spawned friends ruin that? Again, if you like to run 20 minutes to find your friends, so be it, other people dont. You play the way you want to play and let others play how they want to play, but why limit everyone to one set way?
  3. Silent observer

    Spawn next to friends???

    thats the point im trying to make...limit it to only work for new created characters
  4. Silent observer

    Spawn next to friends???

    thats your opinion...what makes the game fun for you might not make the game for other people. If you like getting your bearing and going to find your friend, thats fine. Many people dont like that and would rather spawn with their friend, then go gear up. Whats wrong with have it both ways? nothing
  5. Silent observer

    Spawn next to friends???

    lol so losing all your gear that you have isnt a major hinderance? not sure what game your playing but thats the single bigest hinderance in the game. Being able to quickly get to a friend that you wanna play with only helps the gaming experience...if you dont wanna use the feature and wanna do it your own way, thats fine, but why make it the only way. People play this mod to get different things out of it. What you get out of the game and what I get out of game is two totally different things, but why can dont of us get enjoyment out of it,
  6. Silent observer

    six launcher

    nvm i fixed the problem lol
  7. Silent observer

    six launcher

    has six launcher not been updated with either the 310 or the 389? or is mine just not updating right
  8. Silent observer

    Prevent Spawn Point "Choosing" by Suicide

    i think you get into this game way to much then. If you live for 10-15 days, your either playing on a very low pop server, your your server hopping for either loot or to snipe people. Either that or your way awsome at this game and everyone else sucks It also shouldnt matter how much time people have to play the game, if they wanna start with a friend on the coast instead of spending time running to them, what harm is it to you? If you dont like it, you dont have to do it that way, simple as that like i said you should not be able to spawn at an equiped player. It should only be limited to spawning in after death
  9. Silent observer

    ALT F4 Survey

    either make it a timer 10 seconds + and make it(and im gonna get flamed for this) like the WoW logout timer where you can either sit and wait orhit ok and you would leave the game, but your character would stay in game till the timer ran out OR have some way to have the game detect if the player is being shot at/hit or something and if they alt f4 out, they die. Yeah that would suck if you got teleported cause of a hacker but more often times than not your gonna die before you get out of the game anyways. If your quick enough you could alt f4 out before a shot was fired and wouldnt die. This only works if the game can detect the difference between you getting shot at or your pwoer going out or losing conection not on your own doing
  10. Silent observer

    Prevent Spawn Point "Choosing" by Suicide

    honesly i dont believe that...ive watched plenty of streams where they had a group of people and if they were farther than balota to cherno away from each other, they would just respawn. your story though is the part where i wouldnt want to be able to spawn with friends. Just keep the spawning with a ffriend to newly created characters, not ones that are existing
  11. Silent observer

    Spawn next to friends???

    i dont think thats what the OP ment. I think it would be a good idea to let new characters spawn together. I dont really like spending 15-20 minutes running to meet someone then get shot 5 minutes later and having to do it all over again what i dont think should happen is just what you said, let existing players warping to exisiting players keep it to just new created characters
  12. Silent observer

    Prevent Spawn Point "Choosing" by Suicide

    i dont...you dont really expect friends that spawn in kamenka and Sol to run 20 plus minutes just to meet up with each other do you?
  13. Silent observer

    Prevent Spawn Point "Choosing" by Suicide

    so what is your suggestion for people that wanna play with friends that respawn to get closer to them?
  14. i got a AMD Athlon II X2 235e Processor 2.7 GHz with a nvidia gefore 210...went to can I run it and i meed the min requirements but not the recomended for the CPU and the graphics card( i knew that before lol) ive looked around and have done some stuff and went from having like 14 fps in the woods and 10 in towns to 25 in the woods and like 17-20 in towns. just now i was playing and i got hit by a zombie and my FPS droped to like 8...might have been the server going to poop dont know... im guessing what im asking is should i be expecting anything higher than these FPS with the card and the CPU I have? also i read that Ram something..the program that acts like another hard drive seems to help a ton, but it seems pretty hard to set up...is this true? if anyone has tried it
  15. Silent observer

    Will Dayz run on my computer???

    yeah i know about that site and have been using it...problem is even if it say you can run it, theres more setting you can mess with that will give you better FPS to the OP, i think the CPU is gonna make it almost umplayible cause im running a 2.7 and only get 15-20 FPS with everything on low or turned off